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Lowe’s UX & Post Purchase Experience Review

The Perfect Product Page Template™

This free template will help you engineer the ultimate product page to increase conversion & revenue while minimizing future returns!


Category Page

Product Page

Drop Down Menu

Search Result Page

Shop by Store

My Account

Purchase History

Order Details

Return List

Return Reasons

Return Method

Return Confirmation


Category Page

Product Page

Drop Down Menu

Search Result Page

Shop by Store

Store Detail Page



My Account

Purchase History

Order Details

Welcome Email

Order Confirmation

Ready for Pickup

Order Shipped Email

Page Page Speed (Time to Interactive) Accessibility
Desktop Mobile Desktop Mobile
Homepage 3.2 (sec) 19.4 (sec) 85 93
Search Result Page 5.9 (sec) 27.3 (sec) 76 87
Category Page 5.4 (sec) 27.6 (sec) 76 87
Product Page 5.5 (sec) 26.1 (sec) 85 85
Cart Page 6 (sec) 28.5 (sec) 70 79
Checkout (each step) 4.9 (sec) 22.6 (sec) 67 69
Order List 4.5 (sec) 20.8 (sec) 67 74
Order View 4.5 (sec) 21.8 (sec) 67 75 Speed and Accessibility data provided by Lighthouse


What’s up, guys? This is Virgil from WeSupply. So this is my Lowe’s video and in this video, I’m basically going to go through the entire Lowe’s website, make some purchases for curbside, you know, and ship to home. And just a heads up, I made another video with Home Depot, and just a few minutes ago. And basically, I’m trying to compare the two websites, who does it best Home Depot versus Lowe’s, and who actually is going to get my order ready as soon as possible. Are you ready? So let’s do this.

Homepage. I logged in, however, I did not share my location and they detected my location. So this is the South Philadelphia Lowe’s, indeed that it is the closest. I like it that they have like a big call out, you know that there are severe weather conditions indeed. It’s been snowing for three days, and it’s still snowing right now.

So yeah. Okay. What else, what else? I want to show you how they show it on right here. There you go. So on the homepage, they show you how you can actually make shopping easier and safer. So curbside, free shipping, and they have the Lowe’s app that you can use as well.

I never shopped curbside with Lowe’s. So I’m really curious how their experience is and how everything is gonna work out. But it’s pretty cool because they put it directly on the homepage where Home Depot didn’t do this. So if you learn more, curbside, in-store, yeah, get faster pickup in-store. Okay.

And FAQ. So everybody includes an FAQ section directly here. Which is really cool. Because probably everybody’s asking, you know, like, how do I do this? How do I do that? You know, what is drug delivery? My goodness, what shipping options do you guys have? You know, appliance delivery etc.

I really like here, they put order status directly in the header. That’s really cool. Because that definitely decreases their where’s my order type questions. So that’s really cool. And if you go to my account, you can see orders here right away. So that’s really cool. No orders yet. Coming soon.

Okay, so if you go to shop, let’s take appliances. So right now, I can see that this is my store that I selected. And I can clearly see all the products that are available for store pickup at this location, if they have it available or not. I think this is really cool. Why can’t I select that? It’s really interesting. But yeah, I like that.

Now. Let’s get shopping. Let’s go on the product page. So I’m going to get the following products. I have a table saw, so I want to show you I don’t really like the way Lowe’s does it. I think Home Depot solution is way better on the product page. Let me show you what I don’t like. As we discussed, the people who are purchasing from Lowe’s are contractors, for example, one of the people from many. So I can see here you know that there are seven available at this location and that’s cool. But do you remember how Home Depot does it? Where you can select, you can see seven available here, seven here, four there, two here, and you can select the quantity from each location. So if I have to buy 100, I can buy 20 from here, 40 from there etc. So it’s really easy to shop for multiple locations. Here. it’s not that easy.

So I can basically select that I want to purchase from the South Philadelphia location. But if I want to purchase from a different location I have to change the store, so there’s no ship to store option. I didn’t really like. So, for example here, right, this one I want to be sent here. And now it’s store pick up unavailable, check other stores. I don’t really like this, to be honest. I think Home Depot does it way better. Cool. Anyways, I’m gonna buy this product from this location, so I add it to my cart. Now I do not want that, continue shopping.

Then I have this product, so I have multiple available. This product I’m going to just simply ship it home.

And I want to see another product, basically, this one which is not available right now. And it’s gonna take longer to be shipped home. So again, store pick up Friday and I can add it.

Now as I said this works for sure. I like that they have the store details, until what time is opened, you know, all that, the address, store number. But Home Depot just does it better. Like they just do it way better. I like it way more. I’m not a big fan of Lowe’s for some reason, for online purchases, I think in-store is really good, but online, not really.

Okay, so let’s go and checkout. Okay, let’s see this. Reviews, products recommended. I like the reviews. I like that they have Q&A sections, right? Yeah, but no question. Like this is a major difference here. Yeah. 11 questions. Okay, there you go. Reviews, 64. On Home Depot you had like probably for the same a 1000 reviews. It’s just it feels like there’s a lot of activity happening there. And here it’s like not that much. So you guys can already see that I’m not a big fan of this.

Free store pick up for this product, good. It’s available for your store to pick up from this one, and I’m going to ship it home. And this is going to take longer, ship it home here as well. Let’s see truck delivery, I’m not gonna put this on a truck. Like this is what I’m saying, I cannot change here, you want to maybe ship both to another store, I can’t do that. On Home Depot you can do this, here you cannot. Shipped to home available, but when is going to arrive? This is just confusing to me. And here. Okay, I like it here because it shows you that I will get it as soon as February 5th. But I cannot change shipping methods. So they don’t really give you options, you know for shipping methods. You know, so that’s the only thing you can do.

Let’s do the checkout. Okay, what’s in my cart. One item for pickup, good, and two items for shipping. Good. And you know I’m going to be going to pick it up from that location. Okay, that’s fine. Cool. So I’m going to enter all my personal information, shipping address, billing, credit card, etc. And I’m going to place this order and I’m going to get back in a second. We’re going to review the thank you page and all the communications and then I’m going to wait to see you know which one of the two you know like Home Depot or Lowe’s is going to fulfill my order faster. Can I do curbside for this and how long is going to take? Is going to take me like three hours or one hour, two hours for this product to be ready? Like I can just go maybe in if I have to wait four hours, but if it’s two hours ready, you know it’s a different situation anyways. There’s a lot of room for improvement here Lowe’s, there’s a lot. Okay, I’m gonna add in my info and I’m gonna be back in a second.

Okay, I just placed the order and this is the Thank you Page. We’re experiencing higher than normal volume. Okay, that’s cool. Item for pick up, items for shipping. Okay, why is this important here? I would move, like the products are important to make sure that I purchased the right products, not that this is the pickup details and the shipping billing address, payment method. That’s not important. I want to see which items, just a confirmation, a visual confirmation I purchased the right products. Basically these ones you know, these are going to be picked up and approximately by when, maybe one hour, two hours and this these products are going to be shipped. Yeah. I’m not a big fan at all. This doesn’t feel like they really invested a lot of time in it.

Okay, we’ll email you when it’s ready for pickup. Okay, that’s good. Anyways, there’s a lot of room for improvement from my perspective. Now. Let’s take a look if I received any. I’m in the account there’s no. Yep, nothing. So I created an account with Lowe’s, but there’s no welcome email. I have an order confirmation which is good, but there’s definitely a huge opportunity you know for welcome email where you can advertise you know, like where you can explain how you’re doing business, what payment methods you have, what shipping, promotions, like categories, is what sets you apart. If there’s no welcome email, it’s like, okay, just, it’s not good. Not good at all. Always create a welcome email, because that’s like, how you’re introducing yourself to the customer. We received your order, really cool. We’ll email you updates on your order, including information, shipping, or store pick up, store pick up hours are currently higher than normal volume. Okay. It’s snowing like crazy outside, so I’m not sure how are they like, busy right now? I don’t really think there are many people, but maybe I’m wrong. So, okay. Pickup location, items to be picked up, items to be shipped.

This is the worst freaking email from a big company. This is completely broken. Like what’s happening here? I think this email is all over the place. Like the template is broken here. Okay. Anyways, let’s see what happens if I click this. Okay, takes in. Okay, this is really nice. I can see all my purchases or online purchases, in-store purchases. Can be used as a receipt for the return process. Okay. I’m wondering how they doing the detection. Maybe I’m going to go and make a purchase with the same credit card and see if it shows up here. But okay, order received, I can have the details and I like that it’s broken out. I don’t need to click into it to see the details. But I can, and these are going to be shipped and for store pickup. Okay, it works. What happens if I log out and I click on that email? Check order again. Email address, confirmation, or order number, basically order number I guess. So nobody knows their order number. Like, let’s be honest. I know my email, but not my order number. Okay, anyway, let’s go get the order number. Okay, let’s get the email. Let’s see what happens. Oh, that’s why, because I might get an installation that’s like a confirmation. It makes sense. Check order status. Okay. And it brings me exactly to this order. Nothing else.

Okay, so far, so good. And I’m not logged in right now. Cool. Okay. Not that bad. Not that bad. But there’s there’s a lot of opportunity here, let’s say, a lot of opportunity Lowe’s. And, yeah, compared to Home Depot, I would say the Home Depot experience is much better, go to the other video and check it out why I think it’s better. But let’s see, at the end of the day, the most important it is, you know, not until I purchase it, but actually after that, you know, to see if they can fulfill my order. So estimated, ready for pickup today. Okay, that’s good. So for example, Walmart experience is much better than Lowe’s. But I placed the order yesterday and they said, it’s going to be ready yesterday. And up until this point is still not ready. So more than 24 hours, you know, let me check right now. Yep. Is still preparing. You know, order, it’s not ready. More than 24 hours for curbside pickup. Come on. As soon as I get the confirmation that my order is ready for pickup, I’m going to head to the store and pick up both items from Lowe’s as well as Home Depot. But let’s see who is ready faster. Take care guys. I’ll be back.

Curbside Experience

Okay, after our horrible experience with Home Depot, not horrible, but very long. So this is the Lowe’s app, I downloaded it. I really like it. Oh, it’s really clean. As you can see, you know, the items that are ready for pickup, really like this. I’m going to take right now screenshot, so you guys have it as well. And then I’m gonna tell them that I’m on my way. And I want to pick it up curbside, next. Again, very similar experiences to how Target does it. Truck, black. And Target and Best Buy. So what are you driving, I use this vehicle, I’m on my way. Park in a curbside spots and I will tell them when I’m here, pretty cool. And I can see that my location service is enabled. So probably they are tracking me, as I’m moving with my car. Really cool. Let’s see when I get there, how fast they can bring out the product.

I arrived at the pickup location. I’m going to open the app and select the spot number. The thing is there’s no number here, really there’s no number, says pick up and that’s the only spot where I can see there’s no curbside or, yeah pick up, no curbside. Okay, so let’s just make it spot one. Okay, I’m here. Okay. Call the store. I really like that. So I can do that as well. I just took a screenshot so you guys have this page as well. And let’s see how long it’s gonna take them. Oh, stop. Okay, start. What do you guys think more or less than a minute or two?

We’ll see, I guess. So in the meantime, as you guys can see, nobody really picked up today from the pickup location curbside. I’m going to pick up this huge product so I will have to jump out of the car. But basically, all I want to see is how long it’s going to take them. Bring it up, so far 36-37 seconds. Anyways, I’m gonna get back as soon as he’s out.

I see the guy coming with the big box, four minutes and a half. Not bad, much better than 20 minutes. Okay, so I picked up the product, the guy was really, really nice. He said that he sent me the receipt as email. So this is the page. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to click now. If I click Done, everything closes. So let’s see, what did they receive here?

Okay, there we go. This is their receipt. Okay, this is. Thank you for picking up your purchase, Lowe’s, really good. Yeah, nothing from Home Depot.

So overall, I would say this, front-end experience. Definitely, Home Depot wins, way better, way better user experience on the front end, before the purchase. After the purchase, it’s, I would say really bad. 20 something minutes, who’s gonna wait 20 minutes. Come on. On the other side, Lowe’s, there’s a lot of room for improvement on the front end, prior to purchase. But the post-purchase experience is way better, way faster, way nicer UI for Lowe’s. That’s for sure. And I forgot to tell you guys, it’s really bad that Home Depot only allows to pick up orders until 6 p.m. Come on. These days, you might be working until 6 p.m. And by the time we make it here, I don’t know, curbside for Home Depot, I feel like it’s an afterthought, to be honest. Where for Lowe’s, they invested heavily. If I would have to purchase again curbside, I would definitely purchase from Lowe’s curbside, and I would purchase from Home Depot, but I would go into the store honestly because it’s not worth the time, you know, you wait 20 minutes, you can just walk into the store, pick up the product. We’re here, it’s that much better. Yeah. So I hope you guys liked this experience, I’m going to return a few products. So stay tuned to see that experience. And also for all the products that they are shipping, I want to see how they are communicating if they are providing you know, tracking information, and all that good stuff, you know, like a proper post-purchase experience is supposed to be. But you win customers with the post-purchase experience like actual repeat customers, otherwise, what else. So keep you guys posted. Cool.

Order Review

So in the meantime, I also received the Lowe’s shipment confirmation. So I can see that this order was shipped, this item was shipped, I can track the order, this is very similar to how Lowe’s has it. However, what I do not like here is that I do not have a button to actually view my entire order. And this is very problematic because here it says that my order, this is the tracking number for the order but I’m not sure. Okay, this is the item that got shipped, but where’s the rest of my items? Like what’s the status on the rest of them? I think adding here button, you know, this is the status of the rest of my orders. You know to open the order or listing out the rest of the items is crucial here. Like okay, so if I hit this button, this opens the tracking page. Cool.

So very similar. It’s going to arrive, I can again do it to a FedEx location, very similar experience. So let’s try this here. Okay, my computer has some issues today. Okay, phone number. So I was not able to transfer to a store for my Home Depot order. But obviously, I can do it for FedEx. So I can do it on Spring Garden, let’s do it on Spring Garden. Okay, and I’m going to confirm the pickup location.

Okay, FedEx pickup location confirmed. That’s the location. I should bring this and that. Okay, done. Cool. Anyways, I’m going to put in my phone number just in case. Let’s see, I want to get notified when the product actually arrives at the FedEx location. That was really nice.

I got the confirmation as well. There we go. Because I signed up. Okay, financing, huge Lowe’s logo, I’m not sure if that’s needed, workshop for everyone. I liked Home Depot’s more because they were advertising different products, you know, you had the carousel of products. Here you have financing, a logo and workshops where everybody register today. Okay. But I cannot tell was the status of my the rest of my order. And even if I click on this number for the tracking number is going to open the exact same page so it does not open the account. So in order to check on the rest of my order, I actually come have to come here and log in.

Return Experience

So I’m going to log in and show you guys how the page looks. Okay. Give me a second. Okay, now that I’m logged in, this is really cool. Very similar to how Home Depot has it. I can see all my orders, my online orders, I can see my in-store orders, on Home Depot website, they actually have some in-store orders and like it’s nicely listed out really nice. I really like that. And here I can see that my item was picked up which is a very big difference, you know, between this and how Home Depot did it where they did not mark it as picked up.

And I can start to return now. This is really interesting because I can start to return for the product that was not shipped yet. And that’s strange. Let’s see a deeper look. Complete pickup. This is on its way and I can already return it. I’m not sure how that works. Same thing.

I cannot leave a review here. Opens that. Okay, I think the UI is way better on the Home Depot website. It’s just way better. So let’s try store pickup, let’s return this item that I did not receive yet. It’s on its way. Let’s see if I can actually complete the return. Yep. Reason no longer needed. Return method, return in-store. That’s really cool. I can basically print out the return label. Come and drop it off. Customer Service. Okay. Let’s do it this way. Probably somebody is going to return in-store, no longer need. Really cool. And as soon as, is this processing now, and I’m gonna get notified when if it’s approved or I’m not sure exactly how it works. Okay, but I can print their return slip. I can print it, it popped out. That’s really nice. Because what’s happening here, I can get my return approved online and all I have to do is go to the store and probably drop it off. So I really like that. Now, let’s say because I want to change my mind and I actually want to, this page just broke.

Okay, order status. Let’s do this one more time. Okay, start a return, return reason, no longer needed. And let’s return it now. Come on, come on. Ship it back. Oh, I cannot select ship it like, because I selected that. Proceed to confirmation. Okay, so I cannot do it one more time because obviously, once it was done, okay. However, if I change my mind, I would like to maybe change it you know, the way I want to return it and that would have been really cool.

Let’s do a return for this table saw, because I can already do a return, other items for return, it’s so funny. They haven’t even shipped it. No longer needed. Return method. This should be only available if the product it was actually delivered. Ship it back. Confirmation. What is this? Yeah, but this is the other return. Ironing blanket. So they don’t let me return it online. Okay, that’s strange. Return in-store. I don’t want to return it in-store. I want to ship it back.

Okay, let’s see if I can ship back the other item. That was confusing. I have to say I don’t really like this return experience. I like that you have the option to return in-store or online, but the confirmation is really strange. Okay, so I cannot do this for some reason. That worked. Yeah, I can only return it in-store. Yeah, whatever works for you works for us is not really true. Because I can only do in-store return. And I want to ship it back. Now. This sucks. Okay, this was a really bad experience because this statement does not work with this action. Like I cannot select it. Like, that’s not good. Not good at all. And this was added again. Yeah, not good. I don’t like it. I don’t like it at all.

Can I see all my returns now somewhere? Let’s see. Shipping, shipping and return. Let’s try one more time. But no, this doesn’t work. This is really strange, because this, this does not reflect that. Anyways, I cannot return it, maybe I will give it a try once again as soon as the product arrives. To see how that works anyways, I have to actually pick it up at the FedEx location, I’m going to see how that works as well. But it’s really strange I have to say that they don’t do that.

Another product just shipped. See, this is what I’m talking about. And even here is not the best because here I would like to see the rest of my order, you know, but at least they added this button to check the order status, which actually opens my order and shows their status of all the items. So that is still much better, but whatever.

Anyways, there’s lots of room for improvement, you know, on the Lowe’s website, clearly, the return functionality doesn’t work as expected. And yeah, we’ll see how, we’ll give it a try. We’ll give it a try as soon as I receive the rest of mine. Stay tuned.

Okay, guys, so I received absolutely all the products, I pick them up, everything is good. So let’s try to return them. So this is my order and let’s do a return. Start to return. Ironing board no longer needed. Okay. Other items available for return. Let’s do this one and no longer needed. I’m gonna leave that for another time. Proceed. Return in-store, I want to ship it back. So for this return method, so which item is not, this is the problem now. I want to just ship it back and probably the big one. Okay, let’s try with that. One or more items, but which one? Oh, great. This button doesn’t work. Oh look, there’s something there okay, I don’t know, that doesn’t work. Let’s do it again. Start a return, no longer needed. Good. Ship it back. I can’t. Okay, so I can only return in the store at this point for some random reason.

Let’s do the other product, maybe this was the greatest really horrible experience. Okay, start to return. Okay, I can ship these back. So that was the problem with that product, I think if you cannot actually do a return for a specific product online, just call it out. This is the product so I know which one I should remove. Okay, ship it back, proceed to confirmation. Okay. So once the return is processed, we are going to see it, print label. Okay, so this is the pop up thing, don’t forget, if you’re in a different browser that does not allow pop ups this can be a significant issue. Oh my goodness, four pages, five pages. Why? Why do we need five pages? Let’s see what’s happening here. So we have five pages. Page number one, okay, second page is with the actual label, good, an empty page, why not and the return policy.

Okay, instead of having all this nonsense, honestly all I need is this and that. And maybe shorten this, skip this entire page, is just wasted paper from the printer. Let’s save some trees. Anyways, this is gonna be a big label. The size of this entire thing, like this huge, like, this is crazy. If I just hit print, it’s gonna be this big. Okay, I guess it’s made for like, blind people. Okay, so that product was good if I want to return the rest of it, okay, this page, of course doesn’t work again. Okay, so I can only return this product at the store. No longer needed. When if I select store, proceed to confirmation. Basically, it’s the same experience, you know, and I can return the return thing. And let’s see how this is gonna look. Okay, it’s basically the same page with a barcode. So I guess I just go to the store and they scan this barcode. And I do not have you know, the label. Okay.

Pretty straightforward. Let’s see how the emails look like if I received an email. No. So there is no email, is just a confirmation on the screen. Well, it is what it is, I think it could be a bit better. Now overall, I think it’s a pretty good experience. You know, I have, you know, I can see all the orders online only, you know, in-store orders, you know, if I would have that. I can do all the steps, curbside was really good. So there’s always room for improvement, but here there’s a little bit more.

Okay, so we’re gonna take screenshots of all the pages or the emails, you know, so if you want to review everything with a lot of details, you know, just come to our page, you’re going to be able to see all the pages, mobile version, desktop version, we test the speed of the website on critical pages. So really a lot of resources and all the data is going to be right there, how long it took them to process in order to receive etc. So, make sure you check it out. Take care, bye!

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