Retain over 40% of your returns as exchanges! -
    • Tracking & Notifications

      Boost customer experience and reduce support tickets

      Identify and Resolve Order Issues

      Realtime order and shipment tracking

      Delivery Notifications

      Proactive order and shipping notifications

      Increase Conversion Rate

      Predictive pre-purchase estimated delivery dates

      Branded Tracking

      Self-Serivce branded order tracking

      Reduce Operational Cost

      Effortless experience delivered

      Returns & Exchanges

      Make returns profitable and delight customers

      Flexible Return Policies

      Flexibility to define any return destinations & conditions

      Self-Service Returns

      Simplify returns for your customers and team


      Incentivize exchanges over returns

      Automate Returns Management

      Returns management made easy for your team

      Returns Analytics

      Understand why your customers are returning

      In-Store and Curbside Pickup

      Unify the online and the in-store experience

      Curbside Pickup Check-in

      Hassle-free pickup experience for customers

      Pickup order management

      In-Store Dashboard to keep operations streamlined

      Unified Commerce

      In-Store and Online orders unified

      Store Locator

      Drive foot-traffic to your stores

      Tracking & Notifications

      Boost customer experience and reduce support tickets

      Identify and Resolve Order Issues

      Realtime order and shipment tracking

      Delivery Notifications

      Proactive order and shipping notifications

      Increase Conversion Rate

      Predictive pre-purchase estimated delivery dates

      Branded Tracking

      Self-Serivce branded order tracking

      Reduce Operational Cost

      Effortless experience delivered

      Returns & Exchanges

      Make returns profitable and delight customers

      Flexible Return Policies

      Flexibility to define any return destinations & conditions

      Self-Service Returns

      Simplify returns for your customers and team


      Incentivize exchanges over returns

      Automate Returns Management

      Returns management made easy for your team

      Returns Analytics

      Understand why your customers are returning

      In-Store and Curbside Pickup

      Unify the online and the in-store experience

      Curbside Pickup Check-in

      Hassle-free pickup experience for customers

      Pickup order management

      In-Store Dashboard to keep operations streamlined

      Unified Commerce

      In-Store and Online orders unified

      Store Locator

      Drive foot-traffic to your stores

  • Integrations
  • Customers
    • Help Center

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      WeSupply FAQ

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      Post Purchase ROI Calculator

      Calculate the ROI that WeSupply can bring you

      FREE Website Review

      Request a no strings attached review of your current shopping experience and missed conversion opportunities

      How It Works

      Take a step by step trip through our functionality to see how we can improve your ecommerce processes.

      Blog & Guides

      Read actionable articles on how to optimize your post-purchase experience and decrease support tickets

      Case Studies

      Get inspired by stories of how our customers implemented an effortless post-purchase experience

      Behind The Brand

      A Deep Dive into Top Companies' Order Tracking & Returns Strategy

      Pre-built Return Policies

      Wondering if WeSupply is a good fit for you? Read through our use cases to see how we can help you increase conversion & improve CX!

  • Pricing

Shop WSS Success Story: Revolutionizing Customer Experience with Advanced Order and Return Management

Shop WSS is a leading shoe wear retailer known for offering a wide selection of footwear for all ages. With multiple stores across the country and a growing online presence, Shop WSS is committed to providing a seamless and satisfying shopping experience to its customers.

WSS using WeSupply Returns

In response to growing e-commerce demands and the need for enhanced customer service, Shop WSS partnered with WeSupply to integrate a unified order and return management system.

The Challenge

Shop WSS faced several significant challenges:

  • The need for a unified portal to notify customers about tracking updates.
  • The ability to execute returns both online and in-store.
  • Providing a store locator feature.
  • Implementing a buy online, pick up in-store (BOPIS) experience directly on the product detail page.
  • Ensuring customers could see when products would arrive or where they could be picked up based on inventory.

These challenges made it difficult for Shop WSS to provide a consistent and efficient customer experience.

The Goal

The main goal for Shop WSS was to streamline and enhance the order and return process to:

  • Improve customer satisfaction by providing timely and accurate tracking updates.
  • Facilitate easy returns both online and in-store.
  • Increase conversion rates by implementing a BOPIS option.
  • Improve operational efficiency through better integration and automation.

The Solution

To address these challenges, Shop WSS implemented a comprehensive solution through WeSupply, leveraging integrations with Aptos, EasyPost, and Shopify Plus. The solution included:

  • Integration with Aptos: For seamless order integration and return management, ensuring all orders and shipments are tracked efficiently.
  • Flexible Return Rules: For generating return labels, automating the return process, and handling multiple use cases, such as:

    • Specific return rules without return costs for VIP customers or different customer tiers.
    • Restrictions on returning final sale items.
    • Applying return costs where applicable.
  • Shopify Plus Integration: For enhancing the e-commerce experience, including:

    • BOPIS option on the product detail page, allowing customers to see when and where products can be picked up.
    • Store locator feature to guide customers to nearby stores.
    • Tracking notifications and in-store pickup notifications.
  • Automated Returns Management: Streamlining the return process, ensuring timely refunds and reducing customer inquiries.

Outcomes and Benefits

  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Timely and accurate tracking updates, easy return processes, and clear information on product availability improved customer satisfaction.
  • Operational Efficiency: Automated processes and seamless integration with existing systems reduced manual work and errors, improving overall operational efficiency.
  • Increased Conversion Rates: The BOPIS option on the product detail page increased conversion rates by providing a convenient shopping option for customers.
  • Improved Return Management: Access to detailed return analytics helped track and manage returns efficiently, ensuring timely refunds and reducing customer inquiries.

Proactive Notifications for Improved Communication

The implementation of WeSupply’s advanced order and return management system transformed Shop WSS’s customer service experience. By leveraging predictive analytics, automation, and seamless integration, Shop WSS significantly improved operational efficiency, increased conversion rates, and enhanced overall customer satisfaction.

Key Takeaways

At WeSupply, our mission is to enhance the post-purchase customer experience, ensuring it is as pleasant and seamless as possible for Shop WSS customers. By understanding and addressing customer pain points, WeSupply helps turn exchange, return, and refund interactions into opportunities to strengthen brand loyalty and retention.

See WeSupply in Action

Want to learn more about how WeSupply can help you overcome the most challenging returns situations? Watch our demo to see our platform in action and discover if we’re a good match for your online or omnichannel retail business!

Want to learn more about how WeSupply can help you overcome the most challenging returns situations? Watch our demo to see our platform in action and discover if we’re a good match for your online or omnichannel retail business!

Learn how automated returns
work in WeSupply!

Our shipping and logistics experts will guide you through the product and analyze how WeSupply best fits your eCommerce needs.​


  • Fashion


  • Aptos
  • Shopify Plus
  • Shopify POS
  • EasyPost

Products Used

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