Retain over 40% of your returns as exchanges! -
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Craft Your Black Friday and Cyber Monday Campaigns for 2024

London Drugs using WeSupply Tracking Page to promote Black Friday campaign

Looking to maximize your sales this Black Friday and Cyber Monday? With the rise of mobile shopping and the importance of early bird offers, it’s crucial to stay ahead of the competition. This guide will help you craft your Black Friday and Cyber Monday campaigns with proven strategies and actionable tips, from planning to execution. We’ll cover everything from early preparation to leveraging technology, adapting to privacy changes, and boosting customer retention. Get ready to transform your holiday sales approach and make the most of the 2024 shopping season.

Key Takeaways

  • Start your Black Friday and Cyber Monday campaigns early to capture early shoppers and maximize sales.

  • Adapt to new privacy regulations by using tools like Google’s Consent Mode and Facebook’s Conversion API to maintain effective targeting.

  • Focus on long-term growth by enhancing customer retention strategies, streamlining the post-purchase experience, understanding the customer journey, and leveraging customer data for personalized marketing.

  • WeSupply enhances Black Friday and Cyber Monday campaigns with advanced analytics, seamless returns, customer engagement, and personalized upsell and cross-selling. Drive sales, boost loyalty, and encourage repeat purchases with WeSupply’s comprehensive solutions. Get started with WeSupply today!

Introduction: The Changing Landscape of Black Friday and Cyber Monday During the Holiday Shopping Season

The landscape of Black Friday and Cyber Monday has been shifting dramatically over the past few years. In 2023, some key trends emerged:

  • Consumer holiday spending rose at the slowest pace in five years, driven by inflation and cost of living concerns.

  • E-commerce sales saw a 7.5% increase from 2022 to 2023, indicating a significant shift toward online shopping.

  • Mobile devices played a significant part, contributing to 75% of Black Friday sales.

The rise of mobile shopping has made it easier for consumers to make purchases on the go, further driving online sales.

These trends highlight the changing nature of holiday shopping and the increasing importance of online and mobile platforms.

Another interesting trend is the rise of early holiday shopping. In 2023, many consumers started their holiday shopping well before Halloween, leading to a surge in October spending. This rising trend of early shopping, predicted to persist in 2024, necessitates businesses to initiate their Black Friday campaigns sooner than in previous years. Early bird offers can be crucial in capturing this early shopping crowd.

Moreover, consumers are increasingly turning to digital channels like streaming TV and connected TV for entertainment and information. The popularity of in-store shopping also saw a slight increase, with clothing/accessories and electronics being the most popular in-store purchases during Black Friday weekend in 2023. These shifts highlight the need for businesses to adapt their Black Friday marketing strategies to stay relevant and competitive.

Start Early: The Importance of Pre-Planning Your BFCM Campaigns

Initiating early is a cornerstone of a successful Black Friday campaign. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are significant sales events that can span up to five days. A robust eCommerce presence is vital to seize these opportunities during the Black Friday sale. Starting early with your eCommerce setup and marketing can help you capture the interest of early shoppers and maximize your sales during the holiday shopping season.

Taking advantage of early bird offers can further enhance your campaign’s effectiveness.

Most companies begin promoting their Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales as early as mid-October. This early promotion allows you to:

  • Build anticipation

  • Attract early access shoppers who are eager to snag the best deals

  • Refine your Black Friday marketing strategy

  • Guarantee that your marketing messages align with your target audience

Early planning affords you enough time to ensure a successful Black Friday campaign and take advantage of the best Black Friday deals, enhancing the overall customer journey.

Incorporating strategies like email campaigns and creating a buzz around your BFCM deals can significantly enhance your marketing efforts. An early start guarantees well-orchestrated and successful Black Friday marketing campaigns, culminating in a fruitful holiday season.

Adapting to New Privacy Changes and Their Impact on Marketing Costs

As privacy regulations come under increasing scrutiny, businesses encounter fresh hurdles in tracking, targeting, and connecting with their ideal customers. Privacy regulations are making it more difficult to collect and use customer data, impacting the cost and effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

One significant change is Google Consent Mode, which allows websites to adjust data collection based on user consent preferences. Starting March 2024, it will be mandatory for sites using Google Analytics 4. Non-compliance with Google Consent Mode can lead to limited data collection, compliance risks, and potential fines under regulations like GDPR and CCPA.

To navigate these challenges, businesses can leverage tools like Facebook’s Conversion API (CAPI), which connects website server data to Facebook’s servers, enhancing targeting and reducing cost per lead. Combining Facebook Pixel with CAPI provides a more complete picture of conversion data, helping businesses adapt to privacy limitations like the iOS 14+ update.

Additionally, Google Ads Enhanced Conversion tracking uses hashed first-party data to offer more accurate insights while prioritizing user privacy, making it an effective tool for those utilizing paid ads. This can significantly improve conversion rates by providing better data for optimization.

Shifting to a Sustainable Growth Mindset

Amidst the rapidly evolving retail landscape, businesses must pivot from short-term gains to sustainable growth. Consumer behavior is constantly evolving, and technological disruptions are changing the way people shop, making it essential for businesses to adapt and focus on long-term strategies. The COVID-19 pandemic has already forced many eCommerce brands to prioritize customer-centric marketing, paying closer attention to customers’ evolving needs and priorities.

To achieve sustainable growth during BFCM, businesses should focus on engaging customers effectively, streamlining the customer journey, and enhancing the overall customer experience. Promoting sustainability by offering green options like carbon-neutral shopping can address customer concerns about environmental impact and support long-term growth. By converting impulse buyers into loyal customers and optimizing mid and lower funnel activities, businesses can establish a cycle of growth that is not dependent on increased marketing spend. Focusing on conversion rates can also support sustainable growth by ensuring that marketing efforts translate into actual sales and customer retention.

WeSupply can help your business shift to a sustainable growth mindset by optimizing your operations and enhancing customer engagement. Our platform provides tools to streamline order tracking, returns, and post-purchase communication, fostering customer loyalty and repeat business. Additionally, our ROI Calculator helps you measure the impact of these enhancements, ensuring that your efforts are not only sustainable but also profitable. This focus on efficiency and personalization leads to increased sales and a higher return on investment, promoting long-term, sustainable growth.

Focusing on Retaining Loyal Customers Over Acquisition

In the BFCM frenzy, it’s simple to become engrossed in the pursuit of new customers. However, focusing on retaining existing customers throughout the customer journey can be more beneficial in the long run. Designing acquisition offers with retention in mind can encourage customers to return for future purchases. Promotions focused on products with high returning customer rates can set the stage for repeat purchases.

Some effective strategies to retain customers during BFCM include:

  • Building bundle offers that include products with short replenishment cycles, increasing the likelihood of future purchases

  • Implementing double-discount strategies, where customers receive an initial BFCM discount plus a bigger discount on their next purchase

  • Segmenting offers and using personalized email and SMS campaigns

Improving conversion rates can significantly aid in customer retention by ensuring a seamless shopping experience that encourages repeat purchases.

These strategies can help encourage repeat buying and retain customers during BFCM.

Targeting customers who are about to lapse with special discounts during BFCM can be a last-minute tactic to win them back. Identifying and targeting gift-givers with different post-purchase messaging can sway them to make personal purchases after the holidays. Setting up essential email and SMS flows, like replenishment reminders and second-order cross-sells, can support customer retention after BFCM.

Enhancing the Post-Purchase Experience for Better Customer Retention

The experience after purchase is a pivotal element in the customer journey, crucial for customer retention and promoting repeat purchases. Sending personalized thank-you notes or emails immediately after a purchase can significantly enhance customer satisfaction. Clear and transparent refund policies can alleviate customer concerns and improve their post-purchase experience.

Communicating order status and shipping updates keeps customers informed and enhances their post-purchase experience. Proactively offering help, even when there are no issues, can build trust and enhance the customer experience. Adopting a ‘Voice of the Customer’ approach helps capture customer preferences and improve the post-purchase experience.

Implementing loyalty programs encourages repeat purchases and builds long-term customer relationships. Providing omnichannel support options ensures customers can reach out via their preferred communication method, enhancing their experience. Offering an unforgettable unboxing experience can create a memorable post-purchase moment and encourage social sharing.

Boost Post-Purchase Experience with WeSupply's Returns Solutions

WeSupply focuses on retaining loyal customers over acquisition by leveraging its powerful analytics and customer-centric return policies. Here’s how WeSupply can help:

  • Returns Analytics: Improve your profit margin by streamlining processes, products, and return policies. Key features include:

    • Identifying the most exchanged products

    • Collecting product feedback from customers

    • Understanding the financial impact of returns and exchanges

    • Analyzing returns by region

    • Examining return reasons

By understanding why customers return items, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer preferences and improve product satisfaction.

  • Logistics Analytics: Empower your business with measurable insights. Key features include:

    • Tracking Customer Satisfaction (CSAT), Net Promoter Score (NPS), and Customer Effort Score (CES)

    • Identifying and addressing issues in order fulfillment, product quality, or other factors

    • Enabling a data-driven decision process to fine-tune and adapt to customer needs

With WeSupply’s comprehensive solutions, your business can enhance customer satisfaction and foster long-term loyalty effortlessly.

Keep your customers engaged during the delivery experience

Book a quick call with our experts to see how WeSupply can help you engage your customers with relevant updates through the right channel, at the right time.

Utilizing Technology to Streamline Returns and Exchanges

Technology plays an imperative role in simplifying returns and exchanges, thereby making the process more efficient and cost-effective for both businesses and customers. Implementing an automated return management system can reduce handling costs and speed up the overall returns process. Reverse logistics in return management aims to minimize costs while preserving the value of returned merchandise.

Efficient return management can also improve conversion rates by ensuring a smoother and more reliable return experience for customers.

Efficient return management can drastically reduce processing time. For example, the JOLYN team was able to cut processing time by 900%. Utilizing return data can help businesses:

  • Identify common reasons for returns

  • Adjust product descriptions or inventory choices accordingly

  • Reduce return rates

  • Enhance customer satisfaction

Streamline Returns and Boost Loyalty with WeSupply

WeSupply streamlines returns and exchanges through advanced technology, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. Here’s how WeSupply can help:

By utilizing these features, WeSupply ensures a seamless and efficient returns experience, fostering greater customer loyalty and satisfaction. Book a demo today to see how WeSupply can transform your returns process!

Transforming Returns from a Cost Center into a Profit Center

While returns are typically viewed as a cost center, the right strategies can pivot them into a profit center. Making the returns process easy and fast can improve customer loyalty, with 89% of shoppers likely to make a repeat purchase if the return experience is smooth. Additionally, a smooth returns process can improve conversion rates, as customers are more likely to complete a purchase when they know returns are hassle-free. Understanding return reasons through data can help retailers reduce return rates and recover significant lost sales revenue.

Implementing an automated return management system can provide several benefits, including:

  • Reducing handling costs

  • Speeding up the overall returns process

  • Using return data to prioritize customer outreach and craft personalized offers to stabilize customer relationships and drive future engagement

  • Minimizing handling and storage costs through reverse logistics

  • Recovering as much value as possible from returned merchandise

Evereve Case Study: Turning Returns Into Opportunities with WeSupply

In 2020, EVEREVE faced skyrocketing return rates due to the surge in online shopping during COVID-19. Handling these returns manually across multiple systems led to inefficiencies and a lack of visibility into return reasons, causing significant challenges.

To address this, EVEREVE partnered with WeSupply to automate their returns process through Magento & Custom API integrations. This transformation focused on three key objectives: proactivity, self-service, and return flexibility.

Key Benefits for EVEREVE:

  • Cost Savings: Reduced burden on customer service teams and fewer support tickets.

  • Faster, More Accurate Returns: Centralized return management for improved accountability and transparency.

  • Streamlined Customer Experience: Proactive notifications and in-store pick-up capabilities for enhanced satisfaction.

  • Self-Service Returns: Enabled customers to handle returns independently, providing a customer-centered returns experience.

EVEREVE turned returns into opportunities, boosting customer loyalty and increasing sales through WeSupply’s solutions.

Simplify Returns for Your Customers and Support Team

Book a quick call with our experts to see how WeSupply can help you: simplify the Return experience with just a few clicks, reduce customer service calls and manual processing, notify your customer about their refund, automate returns and reduce user error

Building and Expanding Your Customer Database

Expanding your customer database is pivotal for successful BFCM campaigns. Understanding the customer journey during BFCM is essential; gather zero-party data such as preferences, interests, and shopping behaviors directly from customers to enhance future marketing efforts. Use strategies like quizzes for product recommendations and special deals to collect valuable customer information.

Encourage visitors to sign up for email notifications about upcoming promotions to build a more engaged audience. Tailor your marketing strategies for Q1 by segmenting audiences based on cart items, total cart value, and coupon usage to boost upsells and re-engage customers. Investing in customer management software can simplify the process of analyzing historical data to offer the most enticing deals.

Customer data such as demographics, preferences, and transaction history should be the foundation of any Black Friday marketing strategy. Using data insights to create targeted email campaigns can significantly enhance customer engagement. Creating hidden, gated landing pages for early-bird Black Friday promotions can help collect lead details before the peak shopping season.

Implementing the Right Marketing Infrastructure

Possessing the appropriate marketing infrastructure is vital for providing personalized attention to customers during BFCM. An all-in-one marketing platform can automate, integrate, and analyze customer data, streamlining efforts and enhancing campaign effectiveness. The right marketing infrastructure can significantly improve conversion rates by ensuring that promotional messages reach the right audience at the right time. A well-planned marketing calendar is essential for timing promotional messages effectively to maintain customer engagement throughout BFCM.

Integrated marketing tools help manage email, social media, and landing pages, ensuring a coordinated approach to BFCM promotions. A robust infrastructure supports the creation of targeted messaging, which is key to standing out in the competitive holiday market.

Leveraging a Multifaceted Marketing Approach for Maximum Impact

Adopting a multifaceted marketing approach opens multiple avenues for audience engagement, enabling your business to distinguish itself during Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Some strategies to consider include:

  • Email marketing campaigns

  • Social media advertising

  • Influencer partnerships

  • Content marketing

  • Retargeting ads

A multifaceted approach can significantly improve conversion rates by targeting different customer touchpoints.

Combining a multifaceted approach with personalized messaging can help resonate more effectively with each customer during BFCM.

Using retargeting ads during BFCM can bring back customers to your website, with conversion rates for retargeted customers being seven times higher than those of the general public. Transactional emails can strengthen relationships with customers by communicating at every opportunity, such as order confirmations and abandoned cart reminders. Shoppable landing pages can direct customer attention to specific products, making the shopping experience more streamlined and reducing the chance of them leaving without a purchase.

Utilizing Social Media to Engage and Attract Customers

Social media serves as an influential platform for customer engagement and attraction during BFCM. Here are some social media marketing strategies to consider:

  • Creating eye-catching visuals

  • Running contests on social media to increase brand awareness and attract new customers

  • Running giveaways on social media platforms to further boost engagement and reach

Social media engagement can significantly improve conversion rates by fostering a sense of community and trust among potential customers.

Use social media to create buzz around your BFCM deals by:

  • Posting teasers and exclusive previews

  • Engaging with followers by responding to comments and messages promptly to build a relationship

  • Collaborating with influencers in your niche to increase trust and drive sales during BFCM

  • Personalizing your social media ads based on customer data to increase relevance and conversion rates.

Boost Engagement with WeSupply's Review Platform Integrations

WeSupply’s integration with powerful review platforms helps businesses utilize social media to engage and attract customers. By leveraging user-generated content and streamlined review collection, businesses can boost their online presence and drive sales. Key features include:

  • Loox: Drive sales with visual-centric user-generated content and referrals.

  • Automatically collect reviews via web, email, push, and SMS notifications.

  • Stamped: Gather product reviews, ratings, and referrals, and reward customers with points programs and VIP tiers.

  • Yotpo: Obtain customer reviews and referrals, and enhance recurring sales with SMS marketing and subscriptions.

  • Okendo: Capture and showcase high-impact customer reviews and user-generated content.

  • Junip: Collect customer reviews through multiple channels and display them on your storefront quickly.

  • Gather and showcase genuine text and video reviews from customers in under 10 minutes.

These integrations enable businesses to engage customers more effectively, turning positive reviews into powerful marketing tools.

Enhancing Customer Relationships with Transactional Emails

Transactional emails serve a key function in bolstering customer relationships during BFCM. These emails are anticipated by customers because they expect to receive them immediately after performing an action like placing an order. They are personal since they contain details unique to the recipient, such as order confirmations or shipping updates.

Additionally, transactional emails can significantly improve conversion rates by encouraging repeat purchases and fostering customer loyalty.

Order confirmation emails act as digital receipts, building trust and creating a transaction record between the buyer and the brand. Shipping update emails reduce customer service inquiries by providing peace of mind about order arrivals. During busy holiday shopping seasons like BFCM, transactional emails are crucial for keeping track of numerous transactions and orders.

WeSupply enhances customer relationships through effective transactional emails and SMS notifications. With open rates as high as 98%, these communications ensure customers are always informed and engaged. Key features include:

These strategies help maintain strong customer connections and drive repeat business.

Boosting Sales with Up- and Cross-Selling Strategies

Elevating sales via up-selling and cross-selling during BFCM can markedly augment your average order value and total revenue. When customers add an item to their cart, suggest complementary or higher-tier products to enhance their shopping experience. Strategic placement of upsell or cross-sell offers on the cart page or during checkout can influence purchasing decisions, especially when promoting upcoming sales.

Up- and cross-selling can also improve conversion rates by encouraging customers to see the value in additional or higher-priced items. Explaining the benefits or savings associated with the upsell or cross-sell items can further persuade customers to make additional purchases. Offering bundle discounts for purchasing the main product and its complementary counterparts can also be an effective strategy. Personalized product recommendations based on browsing and purchase history can significantly increase conversion rates during BFCM.

Here are some strategies to increase the average order value:

  • Provide upgrades or premium versions by showcasing enhanced features to persuade customers to opt for higher-priced items.

  • Offer incentives like free shipping or discounts to motivate customers to select higher-priced items.

  • Create product bundles by combining core products with related items to encourage multiple purchases in a single transaction.

Boost Sales and ROI with WeSupply's Upsell and Cross-Selling Integrations

WeSupply helps boost sales through effective up- and cross-selling strategies by integrating with platforms like Nosto and Justuno. These integrations enable personalized, data-driven recommendations that enhance customer engagement and drive revenue. Key features include:

  • Nosto x WeSupply:

    • Deliver product recommendations within shipping emails to showcase popular items.

    • Engage customers after sales to boost conversions and drive repeat purchases.

    • Provide a personalized shipping experience and upsell products within transactional emails.

  • WeSupply & Justuno App Integration:

    • Offer smart product recommendations based on purchase history and behavior.

    • Upsell higher-priced products to increase average order value.

    • Cross-sell relevant items within each product category.

    • Highlight the most purchased or viewed products to drive additional revenue.

These strategies ensure a seamless, personalized shopping experience that keeps customers coming back and increases overall sales. See how WeSupply can help boost your sales and ROI by using our ROI Calculator today!

Encouraging Repeat Purchases with Reward Programs

Introducing reward programs serves as an effective strategy to encourage repeat purchases during BFCM. Loyalty programs and targeted communication are essential for fostering long-term customer relationships and encouraging repeat business. Reward loyal customers with exclusive deals and early access to promotions to incentivize repeat purchases. Additionally, reward programs can significantly improve conversion rates by providing customers with compelling reasons to make a purchase.

Craft targeted email and text campaigns to:

  • Keep loyal customers informed and engaged with your brand

  • Offer instant discounts to attract new members to your loyalty program, thus encouraging repeat purchases

  • Engage existing customers with exclusive offers, early access perks, and personalized recommendations

These strategies can significantly foster repeat purchases and brand loyalty.

Loyalty, referral, and win-back workflows should be prioritized to maximize the impact of reward programs during the holiday shopping season. Offering personalized seasonal promotions, such as a free gift with a minimum purchase, can effectively win back previous customers.

Boost Repeat Purchases with WeSupply's Reward Programs

WeSupply encourages repeat purchases by leveraging effective reward programs that turn returns into opportunities for increased sales and customer loyalty. Key features include:

  • Convert Returns into Exchanges:

    • Exchange return items for any product, reship the same item, or exchange for items of equal or higher value.

    • Incentivize exchanges over returns with instant store credit, boosting average order value.

    • Reward customers who opt for store credit over refunds and redirect them to your product catalog.

These strategies ensure a seamless and rewarding shopping experience, driving repeat purchases and fostering long-term customer relationships.

Conclusion: Transforming Your BFCM Strategy into a Profit Center

Pivoting your BFCM strategy into a profit center is crucial to capitalize on the substantial sales growth potential during this shopping season. A well-executed BFCM campaign can act as a powerful tool for customer acquisition, capturing new audiences and turning first-time buyers into repeat customers. Enhanced brand visibility is a crucial benefit of a strategic BFCM campaign, helping to build long-term brand recognition and a loyal customer base.

Focusing on conversion rates can transform your BFCM strategy into a profit center by ensuring that the increased traffic translates into actual sales and long-term customer relationships.

Strategically planned discounts and promotions during BFCM can attract a surge in customer traffic and significantly boost revenue. Establishing a strong marketing campaign for BFCM can generate significant buzz and contribute to long-term success beyond the immediate shopping season. By focusing on these strategies, you can ensure that your BFCM campaigns are not just about short-term gains but are also geared towards sustainable growth and profitability.


In summary, crafting a successful BFCM campaign requires early planning, adapting to new privacy regulations, focusing on customer retention, enhancing the post-purchase experience, and leveraging technology to streamline processes. Improving conversion rates can significantly contribute to a successful BFCM campaign by turning more visitors into customers. By building and expanding your customer database, implementing the right marketing infrastructure, utilizing a multifaceted marketing approach, and engaging with customers through social media and transactional emails, you can transform your BFCM strategy into a major profit center.

WeSupply can help craft your Black Friday and Cyber Monday campaigns by leveraging advanced analytics, seamless returns, and engaging customer experiences. By utilizing returns analytics to understand customer preferences, offering pre-built return policies to enhance satisfaction, and providing logistics analytics for measurable insights, WeSupply empowers businesses to improve customer relationships. With instant credit for exchanges, branded returns portals, self-service processes, and proactive notifications, WeSupply streamlines returns and boosts loyalty. Integrations with review platforms and personalized upsell and cross-selling strategies further engage customers, driving sales and ROI. Reward programs encourage repeat purchases, ensuring a seamless and rewarding shopping experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to start planning BFCM campaigns early?

It’s important to start planning BFCM campaigns early because it allows you to build anticipation, attract early shoppers, and fine-tune your marketing strategy for maximum impact. This can help you stay ahead of the competition and make the most out of the shopping season.

How do new privacy regulations affect Black Friday marketing strategies?

Privacy regulations can make it harder to collect and use customer data, affecting the cost and effectiveness of marketing campaigns. Adapting to tools like Google Consent Mode and Facebook’s Conversion API can help navigate these challenges.

What are WeSupply's pre-built return policies?

How does WeSupply streamline returns and exchanges?

How can WeSupply help boost engagement with review platforms?

WeSupply integrates with platforms like Loox,, Stamped, Yotpo, Okendo, Junip, and to collect and showcase user-generated content and reviews, boosting online presence and driving sales.

Does WeSupply have an official Shopify App?

Yes, WeSupply does have an official Shopify App. You can download and begin to integrate it with your Shopify store.

Does WeSupply have an official Magento extension?

Yes, WeSupply has an official extension for Magento. The WeSupply x Magento integration allows for automating order tracking experiences, reducing customer inquiries, automating shipping email and SMS notifications, and providing a fully branded order tracking experience

Does WeSupply have an official BigCommerce App?

Yes, WeSupply has an official BigCommerce App. You can integrate WeSupply with your BigCommerce store to improve your post-purchase customer experience.

Keep your customers engaged during the delivery experience

WeSupply Post Purchase Emails
WeSupply Post Purchase Emails

Keep your customers engaged during the delivery experience

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