Retain over 40% of your returns as exchanges! -
    • Tracking & Notifications

      Boost customer experience and reduce support tickets

      Identify and Resolve Order Issues

      Realtime order and shipment tracking

      Delivery Notifications

      Proactive order and shipping notifications

      Increase Conversion Rate

      Predictive pre-purchase estimated delivery dates

      Branded Tracking

      Self-Serivce branded order tracking

      Reduce Operational Cost

      Effortless experience delivered

      Returns & Exchanges

      Make returns profitable and delight customers

      Flexible Return Policies

      Flexibility to define any return destinations & conditions

      Self-Service Returns

      Simplify returns for your customers and team


      Incentivize exchanges over returns

      Automate Returns Management

      Returns management made easy for your team

      Returns Analytics

      Understand why your customers are returning

      In-Store and Curbside Pickup

      Unify the online and the in-store experience

      Curbside Pickup Check-in

      Hassle-free pickup experience for customers

      Pickup order management

      In-Store Dashboard to keep operations streamlined

      Unified Commerce

      In-Store and Online orders unified

      Store Locator

      Drive foot-traffic to your stores

      Tracking & Notifications

      Boost customer experience and reduce support tickets

      Identify and Resolve Order Issues

      Realtime order and shipment tracking

      Delivery Notifications

      Proactive order and shipping notifications

      Increase Conversion Rate

      Predictive pre-purchase estimated delivery dates

      Branded Tracking

      Self-Serivce branded order tracking

      Reduce Operational Cost

      Effortless experience delivered

      Returns & Exchanges

      Make returns profitable and delight customers

      Flexible Return Policies

      Flexibility to define any return destinations & conditions

      Self-Service Returns

      Simplify returns for your customers and team


      Incentivize exchanges over returns

      Automate Returns Management

      Returns management made easy for your team

      Returns Analytics

      Understand why your customers are returning

      In-Store and Curbside Pickup

      Unify the online and the in-store experience

      Curbside Pickup Check-in

      Hassle-free pickup experience for customers

      Pickup order management

      In-Store Dashboard to keep operations streamlined

      Unified Commerce

      In-Store and Online orders unified

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Find the Perfect Returns Management Solution for You

WeSupply Return Management - Automatic Return Approval

Efficiently managing product returns is a critical challenge for eCommerce businesses. A suitable returns management solution not only simplifies the process but also enhances customer loyalty and impacts your revenue. This article dives into the nuts and bolts of selecting and using effective returns management software to help you navigate the often-underrated aspect of eCommerce – the return journey.

Key Takeaways

Introduction: The Rising Need for Effective Returns Management in eCommerce

As eCommerce continues to grow at an unprecedented rate, so does the challenge of managing returns efficiently. The return process, from the moment a customer decides to return an item to when it is processed and reentered into inventory, is a complex journey. It is here that the need for the best returns management software becomes apparent.

The ability to manage this entire returns lifecycle efficiently is what separates the top eCommerce businesses from the rest. After all, an efficient returns process is a key component of a successful eCommerce business, directly impacting customer returns, satisfaction, and ultimately, your bottom line.

Understanding the Basics of Returns Management

Returns management, or reverse logistics, is a multifaceted process that begins when a customer initiates a return and doesn’t end until a final decision is made on the returned product. This could include inspection, documentation, and processing for reuse, recycling, or disposal. But the reality is, managing returns can be a complex and time-consuming process for eCommerce companies. Hence, many businesses turn to third-party logistics providers (3PLs) to handle this task, from receiving returned items to reintegrating them into the supply chain.

Optimizing this process is the key to efficient returns management, which is where automation comes in. Here are some ways automation can help:

  • Automated workflows and labels can speed up the approval of returns and processing of returned items.


  • Tracking each return with a reliable number and detailed shipping information improves visibility.


  • Warehouse management software can streamline the returns process and improve the efficiency of restocking returned items.

With the right return management software, businesses can significantly enhance the efficiency of processing returned goods, leading to improved operating costs and stronger customer relationships.

WeSupply’s Automated Returns Management revolutionizes the basics of returns management by automating the process, saving your team the time typically spent on manual returns. This system streamlines the entire returns process, reduces returns fraud and human error, and gathers essential images and feedback. Moreover, it seamlessly integrates with your existing return workflow, ERP, or 3PL, ensuring a smooth and efficient operation.

Why Effective Returns Management is More Crucial Than Ever

The growing customer expectations and competitive landscape of eCommerce make effective returns management a must-have for any business. By closely tracking returns and their impact on inventory and finances, companies can minimize losses and leverage opportunities to refurbish and resell returned products. After all, an effective eCommerce returns management strategy is essential to providing a superior customer experience.

Think about it: if a customer knows that returning a product will be a hassle, they might reconsider their purchase. This can significantly affect customer lifetime value and conversion rates. In fact, around 90% of online shoppers are likely to interact with a seller’s return policy, emphasizing the need for streamlined returns processes.

Businesses that offer a seamless and hassle-free returns policy are more likely to have customers that will buy again. Therefore, managing returns efficiently is not just about cost-effectiveness, but also about meeting customer expectations and ensuring future returns.

Effective returns management is more crucial than ever, and WeSupply offers comprehensive solutions to enhance this process for eCommerce businesses. Key features include:

  • Returns Analytics: Identify the most returned products, understand why they are returned, and pinpoint serial returners. Leverage actionable insights to reduce return rates, with data available in BigQuery.
  • Branded Returns Portal: Boost customer loyalty with a branded, omnichannel returns experience instead of directing customers to third-party courier pages.

  • Self-Service Returns: Provide a frictionless returns process, giving shoppers complete control over their returns.

  • Returns Tracking: Allow customers to track their returns effortlessly and check status updates with ease.

With WeSupply’s innovative returns management solutions, you can enhance customer satisfaction, streamline operations, and boost your bottom line. Experience the future of efficient returns management today. Ready to transform your returns process? Book a Demo now!

The Importance of Effective Returns Management

The importance of effective returns management cannot be overstated. It plays a pivotal role in:

  • maintaining customer satisfaction and trust by providing a seamless returns process

  • improving operational efficiency

  • reducing costs

  • enhancing the overall customer experience.

Let’s delve deeper into the impact of efficient returns management on customer satisfaction and loyalty, operational efficiency, and customer experience.

Impact on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

Customer satisfaction and loyalty are the cornerstones of any successful business. Efficient handling and processing of customer returns are key to fostering customer loyalty and encouraging repeat purchases. A seamless and hassle-free returns process can enhance customer satisfaction and trust, thus maintaining positive customer relationships and loyalty.

A transparent return policy is important for businesses to build trust with their customers. In fact, 61% of customers review the return policy before making a purchase. Similarly, offering a positive return experience, including hassle-free processes and post-purchase support, plays a vital role in bolstering customer retention.

Moreover, businesses can motivate customers to continue engaging with the brand and enhance their lifetime value through incentive programs, such as offering exchanges over refunds. Implementing environmentally friendly practices in the returns process addresses customer concerns for sustainability and can foster increased loyalty.

Moreover, businesses can motivate customers to continue engaging with the brand and enhance their lifetime value through incentive programs, such as offering exchanges over refunds. Implementing environmentally friendly practices in the returns process addresses customer concerns for sustainability and can foster increased loyalty.

WeSupply enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty by simplifying the returns process and creating a seamless, branded experience. Key features include:

  • Refund to Store Credit: Entice repeat shopping and build trust with refunds as store credits, gift cards, or coupon codes.

  • Green Returns: Increase satisfaction by allowing customers to keep low-cost items, reducing waste and return costs.

With these features, WeSupply ensures a smooth returns process, enhancing customer satisfaction and fostering loyalty.

Operational Efficiency and Cost Savings

Returns management is not just about customer satisfaction; it’s also about streamlining operations, reducing costs, and optimizing inventory management. An optimized returns process can improve operational efficiency, helping to drive retention and sales, while also keeping the cost of returns low.

Enabling self-service returns can boost operational efficiency by reducing the labor required and allowing customers to initiate returns at any time. Automating the returns process can streamline operations and enhance the customer experience by speeding up actions such as calculating refunds, generating return labels, and tracking returns.

Further, analyzing data from returns can identify patterns and opportunities to reduce future returns, contributing to operational efficiency and cost savings. Improving packaging, providing accurate sizing information, and enhancing product descriptions can help prevent returns, thus conserving resources and reducing costs.

WeSupply enhances operational efficiency and cost savings by streamlining the returns process and minimizing expenses. Key features include:

  • Streamline the Returns Process: Automatically calculate restocking fees, apply vendor-specific policies, and prevent return fraud while eliminating back-and-forth emails.

  • Minimize RMA Cost: Automate processes to save time and money, reduce touchpoints, and convert returns to exchanges or warranties.

  • Inspect Returns and Manage Inventory: Improve quality control by inspecting returns, collecting customer feedback and images, and enabling warehouse staff to leave inspection notes.

With WeSupply, you can significantly enhance operational efficiency and reduce costs by streamlining your returns process. These improvements not only save time and money but also contribute to a higher return on investment (ROI) by automating tasks, minimizing touchpoints, and improving inventory management. Discover how WeSupply can maximize your ROI. Use our ROI Calculator now!

Enhancing the Overall Customer Experience

Effective returns management does more than just streamline returns and save costs – it contributes to a positive customer experience and strengthens a brand’s reputation. A well-executed returns management approach helps brands understand the reasons behind product returns, leading to product improvements and better customer service.

User-friendly return management software can enhance customer satisfaction by providing clear communication, prompt refunds, and easy processes for exchanges or replacements. A well-executed returns management strategy can lead to a personalized customer experience, such as self-service return initiation and real-time tracking of returns, supported by efficient customer service teams.

WeSupply, as a post-purchase software, significantly enhances the overall customer experience by providing a seamless, branded journey from purchase to return. It simplifies returns with automated processes, offers instant updates through a branded tracking page, and allows printerless returns via QR codes. By converting returns into exchanges and offering convenient in-store or curbside returns, WeSupply not only improves customer satisfaction but also fosters loyalty and repeat business.

One good example of how WeSupply can transform a business is the case of Evereve. Handling fashion industry orders and high return rates was challenging and manual for Evereve, involving countless hours and multiple systems to process returns. They lacked visibility into returns, leading to issues like limited data to identify return causes, markdowns due to lag times, and overwhelmed customer service teams. By integrating WeSupply’s technology with systems like Magento, Zendesk, Celerant, and Veeqo, Evereve automated their returns, centralized management, and improved operational understanding. This new strategy focused on proactivity, self-service, and return flexibility, turning returns into opportunities and enhancing customer loyalty. The self-service returns culture reduced customer service burdens, ensured faster and more accurate returns, and provided a streamlined customer experience with proactive notifications and in-store pick-up capabilities. Empowering customers to handle exchanges, store credits, or refunds themselves fostered a customer-centered returns experience. Read the full case study to learn more about Evereve’s transformation with WeSupply!

Key Features of Top Returns Management Solutions

When evaluating returns management solutions, there are several key features to consider. These include seamless integration capabilities, comprehensive analytics and reporting tools, and user-friendly self-service portals.

Let’s take a closer look at these essential features.

Seamless Integration with Existing Tech Stack

In today’s digitally driven world, integration capabilities are a must-have feature for any software solution. This is especially true for returns management software. The best returns management solutions should offer open APIs to facilitate customized and seamless integration with a merchant’s existing tools and platforms.

Choosing a returns management solution that can integrate with existing systems like e-commerce platforms or ERPs is essential for efficient and effective returns management. The ability to connect with existing systems ensures a coherent data exchange, crucial for managing returns, and controlling inventory flow.

WeSupply offers seamless integration with your existing tech stack, connecting effortlessly with hundreds of third-party tools, apps, platforms, and carriers. This capability allows for easy synchronization of order and returns data with your API-driven tools, enhancing the customer experience and optimizing cost-efficiency. By integrating smoothly with your current systems, WeSupply ensures that your operations run more smoothly without the need for extensive changes or additional resources.

Comprehensive Analytics and Reporting for Better Decision Making

Data is the new gold, and this holds true in the realm of returns management as well. Advanced analytics and reporting tools enable merchants to identify trends, analyze return reasons, and make data-driven improvements to product quality and customer experiences.

By leveraging data from returns management systems, businesses can gain insights into return reasons, which can drive decisions to improve:

  • product quality

  • descriptions

  • packaging

  • sizing guides

Ultimately, this can enhance the customer experience. In essence, a returns management software that provides comprehensive analytics and reporting can offer valuable insights and aid in making informed business decisions.

WeSupply enhances decision-making through comprehensive analytics and reporting, providing valuable insights into your eCommerce business. Key features include:

With these insights, you can refine return policies, optimize your product mix, and develop effective strategies to boost revenue.

Returns Analytics for eCommerce Business

Understand why your customers are returning: Identify the most returned products, Understand why those products are returned, Identify which customers are serial returners, Reduce Return Rate with Actionable Insights. Returns data available in BigQuery

Enhancing Usability with Self-Service Portals and Customer Support

A user-friendly interface is another critical feature of a top-notch returns management solution. Self-service portals are digital interfaces that allow users to:

  • Access information

  • Perform tasks without the need for direct service desk staff involvement

  • Include a knowledge base

  • Have a customer portal

  • Have a service catalog

  • Have chatbot integration

  • Have automated processes for handling requests

Implementing self-service portals can lead to:

  • Reduced operational costs by automating routine tasks and customer interactions

  • Increased customer satisfaction and loyalty

  • Extended customer lifetime value

More importantly, the autonomy provided by self-service portals can have these positive effects.

WeSupply enhances usability with self-service portals and robust customer support, offering a seamless, branded returns experience that boosts customer loyalty. Key features include:

  • Self-Service Returns Process: Enable customers to initiate returns in just three simple steps, including the option to return items to a physical store.

  • Post-Purchase Notifications: Keep customers informed with proactive return notifications and personalized offers via email and SMS, reaching out first to eliminate check-up calls.

With WeSupply, you can provide a seamless, branded, and user-friendly returns experience that enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty. Empower your customers with self-service options and proactive support, making returns effortless and efficient. Ready to transform your returns process? Book a Demo now!

In-Depth Look at Leading Returns Management Software

With a clear understanding of the importance of returns management and the key features to look for in a returns management solution, let’s explore some of the leading returns management software in the market. Each of these solutions brings its unique features and benefits to the table, offering a variety of options for eCommerce businesses to choose from.

WeSupply: Streamlining Operations and Customer Interactions

WeSupply streamlines operations and customer interactions by providing essential tools for a seamless post-purchase experience. Key features include:

With these features, WeSupply enhances efficiency and customer satisfaction, driving loyalty and repeat business.

Happy Returns: Revolutionizing Return Experiences

Happy Returns is taking a unique approach to returns management, providing a network of Return Bars where customers can return items in person. The company has achieved a 93 Net Promoter Score (NPS) from its shoppers, indicating a high level of customer satisfaction.

By aggregating returns from multiple merchants and shipping them together, Happy Returns can save on shipping costs, offering up to 40% savings compared to individual mail returns. Furthermore, the return process with Happy Returns does not require boxes or labels, and it reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 120,000 pounds for every million returns processed.

Narvar: Personalizing and Automating the Return Journey

Narvar’s Return & Exchange platform enhances the post-purchase customer experience by offering personalized return options, enabling consumers to choose from a variety of return methods such as home pickup, store dropoff, and an expansive network of additional drop-off locations.

The solution helps companies retain revenue by providing alternatives like instant credit and gift cards, encouraging customers to make their next purchase more quickly. Narvar aims to decrease call center costs by up to 50% through proactive messaging and updates throughout the return process.

Loop Returns: Encouraging Exchanges to Boost Sales and Satisfaction

Loop Returns management software includes features designed to enhance the post-purchase experience for eCommerce brands on Shopify. The software simplifies the reverse logistics process for merchants, and it allows for instant product exchanges during the return process.

The implementation of Loop Returns has led to a significant decrease in customer service contacts by initiating refunds at the point of drop-off, as reported by the CFO & Head of Operations of Pact, Drew Cook. Over 3,000 brands utilize Loop Returns for their return management needs.

Optoro: Merging Sustainability with Returns Optimization

Optoro offers a returns management system that is designed to cover the full returns lifecycle, including:

  • initiation

  • various returns methods

  • dispositioning of returns

  • restocking

  • resale

The system includes a feature called SmartDisposition® that helps to manage the reverse logistics path efficiently and profitably.

Optoro’s returns platform offers the following benefits:

  • Customers can initiate returns easily

  • Encourages repurchase through exchanges and gift cards, without the need for customer service interaction

  • Can lead to up to a 93% reduction in returns processing time for clients, according to a case study involving a high-end fashion retailer.

AfterShip Returns Center: Automating Returns for Global Scalability

AfterShip Returns Center is designed to automate the returns process, providing a custom branded returns portal and customizable policies for global scalability. AfterShip’s automated return process, along with its custom branded returns portal, provides a seamless return experience for customers and an efficient returns management solution for businesses.

The software supports automated and intelligent exchange suggestions based on the reason for the return and available inventory, which can help increase exchange rates and maintain customer loyalty. The implementation of AfterShip Returns Center has led to a significant decrease in customer service contacts by initiating refunds at the point of drop-off, as reported by the CFO & Head of Operations of Pact, Drew Cook.

Tips for Choosing the Right Returns Management Solution

Choosing the right returns management software requires careful consideration of your specific business needs, the features offered by the software, as well as the user experience and compliance.

Let’s delve into these factors in more detail.

Assessing Business Requirements: What Do You Really Need?

Before you can select the right returns management solution for your business, it’s essential to identify your specific needs. You must ensure your chosen RMS enables you to customize your return policies to suit your growth stage, revenue trajectory, and product category.

Identifying key features that address automated returns processing, customizable workflows, real-time inventory tracking, and analytics for making informed restocking and purchasing decisions is crucial. User experience is critical, so companies should select software that is intuitive, offers training and support, is mobile-compatible, and can be customized to suit their workflows.

Evaluating Features: Integration, Scalability, and Support

When evaluating returns management software, you should consider factors such as integration capabilities, scalability, and customer support. An effective RMS should offer centralized inventory control and shipping visibility, which saves time and money by eliminating the need for separate shipping and tracking systems.

Tailored and detailed reporting capabilities in an RMS can provide meaningful metrics and actionable insights to improve product performance and customer experience. Additionally, ensuring that the returns management solution is compatible with a company’s hardware and software and offers data migration options is crucial for smooth operation.

Looking Beyond Features: The Importance of User Experience and Compliance

While features are important, it’s also necessary to look beyond them and consider the user experience and regulatory compliance when selecting a returns management solution. A well-crafted returns policy can serve as a trust signal to customers, reassuring them of a retailer’s commitment to their satisfaction.

Implementing user-friendly return management software can provide the following benefits:

  • Clear communication

  • Prompt refunds

  • Easy processes for exchanges or replacements

  • Enhanced customer satisfaction

More importantly, a positive return experience can significantly enhance customer retention, loyalty, and provide valuable customer feedback.

Combat inconvenience with proactivity & self service

Book a quick call with our experts to see how WeSupply can help you make returns easy for your customers with a beautiful, self-service solution that makes their experience easier while also providing new ways to lower costs and earn back revenue.

Future Trends in Returns Management

As with any industry, the world of returns management is continuously evolving. Looking ahead, several trends are expected to shape the future of returns management.

These include:

  • The increased use of AI to enhance efficiency and customer satisfaction in the returns management process


  • The focus on reducing returns by providing virtual try-ons, detailed product information, and automated customer service


  • The growing importance of mobile optimization in supply chain management.

Innovations on the Horizon: What to Expect in 2024 and Beyond

In 2024, we can expect further innovations in the field of returns management. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being increasingly implemented to enhance efficiency and customer satisfaction in the returns management process. Sustainability in returns management is gaining emphasis, with strategies like fleet management to reduce carbon emissions and closed-loop systems for material reuse.

Customized logistics solutions are on the rise, helping businesses to tailor their returns management process to specific business objectives and customer needs.

Conclusion: Making Returns Management a Strategic Advantage

In conclusion, returns management is a critical component of ecommerce fulfillment and supply chain management; it plays a significant role in customer satisfaction and the financial health of a business. By implementing a sophisticated returns management strategy, businesses can enhance customer satisfaction, streamline operations, reduce costs, and make returns management a strategic advantage.

So, if you are still contemplating whether to invest in efficient returns management, the answer is a resounding yes!

Recap: The Unavoidable Necessity of Sophisticated Returns Management in Modern eCommerce

To recap, an optimized returns management system can lead to increased customer satisfaction by offering efficient solutions for product returns and exchanges. It’s more than just handling product returns; it includes creating a strategy that maintains customer satisfaction and encourages repeat business.

Therefore, it’s safe to say that returns management is an unavoidable necessity in modern eCommerce. Investing in the right returns management software can certainly steer your eCommerce business towards success.


In summary, returns management is an essential aspect of eCommerce that directly impacts customer satisfaction, inventory management, and overall business efficiency. With numerous returns management solutions available today, businesses can now streamline their returns process, enhance customer experience, and improve their bottom line. Looking ahead, the returns management landscape will continue to evolve, with AI, sustainability, and customized logistics solutions emerging as key trends.

WeSupply offers the perfect returns management solution by revolutionizing the returns process through automation, reducing fraud, and gathering essential feedback. It seamlessly integrates with existing workflows, ERPs, and 3PLs to ensure smooth operations. Key features include comprehensive returns analytics to identify return reasons and pinpoint serial returners, a branded returns portal for a consistent customer experience, and self-service returns for customer control. Additionally, WeSupply provides autogenerated QR code return labels, flexible returns policies, green returns, and in-store or curbside return options. It enhances operational efficiency with automated processes, proactive delivery notifications, and quality control for returns, ensuring a streamlined and customer-friendly experience. With seamless integration with various third-party tools and detailed analytics, WeSupply empowers eCommerce businesses to make informed decisions and boost customer loyalty.

WeSupply offers the perfect returns management solution by revolutionizing the returns process through automation, reducing fraud, and gathering essential feedback. It seamlessly integrates with existing workflows, ERPs, and 3PLs to ensure smooth operations. Key features include comprehensive returns analytics to identify return reasons and pinpoint serial returners, a branded returns portal for a consistent customer experience, and self-service returns for customer control. Additionally, WeSupply provides autogenerated QR code return labels, flexible returns policies, green returns, and in-store or curbside return options. It enhances operational efficiency with automated processes, proactive delivery notifications, and quality control for returns, ensuring a streamlined and customer-friendly experience. With seamless integration with various third-party tools and detailed analytics, WeSupply empowers eCommerce businesses to make informed decisions and boost customer loyalty. Ready to optimize your returns process? Get Started with WeSupply now!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is returns management?

Returns management, also known as reverse logistics, includes the process from a customer initiating a return to the final decision on the returned product for reuse, recycling, or disposal. It involves inspection, documentation, and processing.

Why is returns management essential in eCommerce?

Returns management is essential in eCommerce because it can result in cost savings, improved customer satisfaction, and enhanced sustainability for online businesses.

What features should I look for in returns management software?

When choosing returns management software, prioritize seamless integration, comprehensive analytics, and user-friendly self-service portals to streamline processes and enhance customer satisfaction. These features will help you efficiently handle returns and gain valuable insights.

How can efficient returns management enhance customer satisfaction?

Efficient returns management can enhance customer satisfaction by providing a seamless and hassle-free returns process, which builds trust and maintains positive customer relationships and loyalty.

How does WeSupply streamline the returns process?

WeSupply automates the returns process, saving your team time and reducing manual errors. It seamlessly integrates with your existing workflows, ERPs, and 3PLs to ensure smooth operations.

What insights can WeSupply provide through returns analytics?

WeSupply offers comprehensive returns analytics, helping you identify the most returned products, understand return reasons, and pinpoint serial returners. This data, available in BigQuery, enables you to reduce return rates and optimize product offerings.

Can WeSupply integrate with my existing tech stack?

Yes, WeSupply integrates seamlessly with hundreds of third-party tools, apps, platforms, and carriers, ensuring easy synchronization of order and returns data with your API-driven tools.

Does WeSupply have an Official Shopify App?

Yes. WeSupply has an Official Shopify App. You can download it and start integrating with your Shopify Store.

Does WeSupply have an official Magento extension?

Yes, WeSupply has an official extension for Magento. The WeSupply x Magento integration allows for automating order tracking experiences, reducing customer inquiries, automating shipping email and SMS notifications, and providing a fully branded order tracking experience

Does WeSupply have an official BigCommerce App?

Yes, WeSupply has an official BigCommerce App. You can integrate WeSupply with your BigCommerce store to improve your post-purchase customer experience.

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