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What is Seller Fulfilled Prime & how does it work?

man showing a product with prime badge

In the ever-growing world of e-commerce, Amazon continues to dominate the market. As an Amazon seller, you need every advantage to stay ahead of the competition. Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP) may be the key to unlocking your full potential in the Amazon marketplace. In this blog post, we’ll explore the ins and outs of SFP, including eligibility requirements, advantages, and strategies for success. Buckle up, and let’s embark on the journey to SFP mastery!

Key Takeaways

  • Seller Fulfilled Prime is a program that allows eligible sellers to access the Prime customer base and increase sales.

  • Strategic factors such as customer base, competition, and Amazon FBA fees should be evaluated before opting for SFP.

  • With the right resources, you can unlock Seller Fulfilled Prime’s full potential to boost your Amazon business.

Introduction to Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP)

Imagine a world where you can offer Amazon Prime shipping to your customers without relying on Amazon’s fulfillment centers. Welcome to the world of Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP), a program that allows eligible sellers, including those with a seller fulfilled prime small operation, to display the coveted Prime badge on their products while managing their own shipping operation. Launched due to Amazon’s warehouse capacity constraints, SFP enables sellers to provide expedited fulfillment and shipping solutions by utilizing their own warehouses.

Feedvisor’s Ultimate Guide to Amazon Seller Fulfilled Prime provides a comprehensive resource to understand the requirements for qualification. The guide covers:

  • Performance requirements

  • Advantages of the program

  • Amazon repricing software that is SFP-compatible

  • Product categories that have seen success with the program

  • Strategies for meeting Amazon’s stringent performance criteria

  • How SFP can be tailored to create a competitive edge in the marketplace by utilizing efficient shipping services.

This guide provides valuable insights for sellers looking to participate in the Seller Fulfilled Prime program.

What is SFP and Why Does It Matter?

Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP) is a game-changer for experienced Amazon sellers looking to offer Prime shipping on their products without using Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA). By participating in SFP, sellers can access the lucrative Prime customer base, potentially increasing sales while fostering trust with Prime members. The Prime badge is a symbol of reliability, and products with this badge gain a competitive advantage in the Amazon marketplace.

To be eligible for SFP, sellers must demonstrate a history of dependable service and meet Amazon’s strict performance criteria. By successfully completing the Prime trial period, sellers can join the SFP program and have their products listed as Prime-eligible, without relying on Amazon’s fulfillment centers. This offers a unique opportunity for sellers to maintain control over their fulfillment process while still reaping the benefits of the Prime program.

Gaining Eligibility for SFP

Gaining eligibility for the Seller Fulfilled Prime program is no small feat. Amazon maintains stringent performance standards to ensure that SFP sellers provide the same level of service as Amazon’s own fulfillment network. Sellers aspiring to join the SFP program and retain their eligibility must meet these criteria.

The requirements for SFP and the necessary steps to join this exclusive program will be examined in the subsequent sections.

Meeting Amazon’s Criteria: A Detailed Look

To become eligible for SFP, sellers must commit to:

  • Delivering orders within two days

  • Shipping at no additional cost to the buyer

  • Utilizing Amazon-approved shipping companies

  • Adhering to Amazon’s superior performance standards

Achieving and maintaining these standards is vital for sellers who wish to join and remain in the SFP program.

An essential aspect of SFP eligibility is the use of Amazon Buy Shipping Services for fulfilling orders. Buy Shipping allows sellers to purchase shipping labels, ship and confirm orders, and monitor shipments, ensuring a seamless fulfillment process.

Meeting Amazon’s criteria and using Buy Shipping are crucial steps towards successfully joining the SFP program and tapping into the vast pool of Prime customers.

Strategic Decisions Before Opting for SFP

Before venturing into Seller Fulfilled Prime, it’s important to take into account various strategic factors such as your customer base, competition, and Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) fees. These factors can have a significant impact on your success with SFP and should be carefully weighed before making a decision.

These factors will be further examined in the subsequent sections.

Identifying Your Customer Base and Geographic Focus

Understanding your target customer base and focusing on specific geographic regions is crucial for optimizing your SFP strategy. By creating buyer personas and analyzing your current customer base, you can gain insights into your target audience’s demographics, preferences, and requirements.

Additionally, market research can help you:

  • Identify geographic areas where your target customers are located

  • Tailor your shipping and fulfillment strategies accordingly

  • Result in more efficient shipping processes, cost savings, and improved customer satisfaction.

Understanding Your Competitors and Their Strategy

Grasping your competitors and their strategies is vital for success in the competitive landscape of the Amazon marketplace. By analyzing their approach to pricing, product selection, customer service, and more, you can identify areas where SFP can give you a competitive edge over your rivals.

Utilizing SFP to its fullest potential can help you differentiate your offerings and outperform your competition in the ever-evolving world of e-commerce.

The Ever-changing Landscape of Amazon FBA Fees

Navigating the ever-changing landscape of Amazon FBA fees is a crucial aspect of evaluating whether SFP is the right choice for your business. When selling through FBA, fees may be incurred, which should be weighed against the cost of shipping under the SFP program.

By carefully considering these costs and potential savings, you can make an informed decision about whether SFP is the best fit for your Amazon selling strategy.

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The Expedited Path to Joining SFP

Once you’ve evaluated the strategic factors and determined that SFP is the right choice for your business, the next step is to join the program. This process involves a series of steps, including onboarding, assigning Prime templates, and monitoring performance metrics, all aimed at ensuring a smooth and successful transition to the world of Seller Fulfilled Prime.

These steps will be elaborated on in the subsequent sections.

A Step-by-Step Guide to SFP Onboarding

The SFP onboarding process includes the following steps:

  1. Meeting the program requirements

  2. Successfully completing the trial period

  3. Demonstrating your ability to fulfill Amazon Prime’s two-day delivery promise

  4. Adhering to SFP-specific performance metrics

During the trial period, you’ll need to demonstrate your ability to fulfill Amazon Prime’s two-day delivery promise and adhere to the SFP-specific performance metrics.

By following a comprehensive guide to SFP onboarding, you can ensure a smooth transition into the program and maximize your chances of success.

Assigning Prime Templates: Why Fast-Moving SKUs are Crucial

Assigning Prime templates to fast-moving SKUs (Stock Keeping Units) is a critical step in the SFP onboarding process. These high-demand items are more likely to be purchased by customers and should be prioritized to ensure a seamless fulfillment process that meets Prime customers’ high expectations.

By strategically assigning Prime templates to fast-moving SKUs, you can maximize your SFP success and increase your chances of winning the coveted Prime badge and access to the lucrative Prime customer base.

The Importance of Continual Performance Metric Monitoring

Monitoring your SFP performance metrics is crucial to maintaining your eligibility for the program. By keeping a close eye on your on-time shipping, order defect rate, and pre-fulfillment cancel rate, you can ensure that you’re meeting Amazon’s high standards and providing the best possible service to your customers.

Continual performance metric monitoring can help you identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions that will ultimately contribute to the success of your SFP venture.

Unpacking the Advantages of SFP

Now that we’ve covered the basics of SFP eligibility and onboarding, let’s delve deeper into the numerous advantages this program offers. Some of the benefits of SFP include:

  • Tapping into the lucrative Prime customer base

  • Retaining control over your inventory and shipping processes

  • Growing your Amazon business

  • Outpacing your competition

These advantages can help you take your business to the next level with SFP.

These advantages will be further discussed in the subsequent sections.

Tapping into the Prime Customer Base

One of the most significant benefits of SFP is the ability to tap into the Prime customer base, which consists of millions of loyal Amazon customers who value the convenience and reliability that Prime shipping offers.

By offering Prime shipping through SFP, you can attract these customers to your products and increase your chances of making a sale. The Prime badge not only increases your products’ visibility but also builds trust with customers, as it signifies a commitment to fast and reliable delivery.

The Freedom of Inventory Control

With SFP, you retain control over your inventory and shipping processes, allowing you to:

  • Tailor your fulfillment approach

  • Maximize your operations

  • Manage your stock

  • Make data-driven decisions about inventory levels

  • Respond quickly to fluctuations in demand

Unlike FBA, where you’re reliant on Amazon’s fulfillment centers, SFP enables you to have more control and flexibility in your fulfillment operations.

This increased control can lead to cost savings and improved customer satisfaction, making SFP an attractive option for many Amazon sellers.

Competing in the Buy Box: SFP vs. FBA

The Buy Box is a critical component of the Amazon shopping experience, as it’s responsible for the majority of sales made on the platform. Both SFP and FBA sellers compete for the Buy Box, but SFP sellers have the advantage of offering Prime shipping, which can give them an edge over their FBA counterparts.

By optimizing your SFP performance and offering competitive prices, you can increase your chances of winning the coveted Buy Box and boosting your sales.

Navigating Returns with Greater Ease

Handling returns can be a headache for Amazon sellers, but with SFP, you have more control over the returns process compared to FBA. This allows you to establish your own return policies, address customer service inquiries, and manage your inventory more effectively.

By simplifying the returns process and providing a seamless experience for your customers, you can further enhance your reputation as a reliable and trustworthy seller on the Amazon marketplace.

WeSupply’s advanced Returns & Exchanges functionality offers a refined solution for handling returns. This software improves the return experience for customers by facilitating a swift self-service process, allowing adaptable return rules for diverse products, and providing QR code return labels. By tracking returns in real-time, ensuring organized sorting at the warehouse, and sending proactive notifications, WeSupply not only alleviates customer concerns after purchase but also streamlines the entire return procedure.

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Ideal Products for the SFP Model

While SFP offers numerous advantages, it’s essential to determine whether it’s the right fit for your specific product offerings. Certain products are better suited for the SFP model, such as bulky appliances and personalized items.

Why these products are perfect for SFP and how you can utilize this program to maximize your sales and success will be discussed in the subsequent sections.

From Bulky Appliances to Personalized Items: What Fits Best?

Bulky appliances and personalized items are particularly well-suited for the SFP model due to the efficient and reliable shipping capabilities provided by sellers. These products often require special handling or customization, making them an excellent fit for the SFP program.

Additionally, offering Prime shipping on these items can help you stand out from competitors who may struggle with the challenges of FBA, such as extended delivery times and elevated shipping costs.

The Pitfalls of FBA and How SFP Offers a Solution

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) may be a popular choice for many sellers, but it’s not without its drawbacks. One of the primary pitfalls of FBA is the high storage and fulfillment fees that can eat into your profits.

With SFP, you can sidestep these fees by managing your inventory and shipping processes yourself, giving you more control over your costs and ultimately improving your bottom line.

SFP Application and Performance Optimization

Having explored the advantages and ideal products for SFP, it’s now time to dive into the application process and performance optimization strategies. In this section, we will guide you through the essential steps to apply for SFP and share strategies for regional shipping and cost-cutting to enhance your SFP performance.

We’ll start by discussing the application process, including the documents you’ll need

Key Steps to SFP Application: A Walkthrough

To apply for SFP, you must follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that you meet the program requirements.

  2. Submit an application through your Seller Central account.

  3. Upon approval of your application, you will be granted access to the SFP dashboard.

  4. Begin fulfilling orders.

In addition to the application process, it’s crucial to:

  • Monitor your performance metrics

  • Make data-driven decisions

  • Ensure that you’re meeting Amazon’s high standards

  • Provide the best possible service to your customers.

Regional Shipping and Cost-Cutting Strategies

Implementing regional shipping and cost-cutting strategies can help you optimize your SFP performance and maximize your profits. By refining your region to ensure one-day and two day shipping, you can provide faster shipping times and enhance customer satisfaction.

Additionally, connecting your personal shipping accounts to your SFP account can offer a range of benefits, such as:

  • Personalized shipping experiences

  • Additional features and benefits

  • Streamlined shipping processes

  • Potential cost savings through discounts and access to free shipping supplies.

The Power of Linking Personal Shipping Accounts

Linking your personal shipping accounts to your SFP account can unlock a host of advantages, including:

  • Discounted shipping rates

  • Faster shipping times

  • Access to additional shipping services

  • Enhanced tracking capabilities

  • Dedicated customer support

By leveraging these benefits, you can reduce your shipping expenses and enhance your overall SFP performance.

Additionally, linking your personal shipping accounts can help you provide a more personalized shipping experience for your customers, further strengthening your reputation as a reliable and trustworthy seller on the Amazon marketplace.

Advanced SFP Tips and Hacks

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s explore some advanced tips and hacks to further improve your SFP performance.

By implementing strategies such as order volume limiting and understanding the role of reviews, you can ensure that your SFP venture continues to grow and thrive in the competitive Amazon marketplace.

Order Volume Limiting: A Strategy for Growth

Order volume limiting is a valuable strategy for growth, as it allows you to effectively manage the influx of orders and ensure that your store is able to fulfill a maximum number of orders efficiently. By setting daily, hourly, or per-customer maximum order counts and utilizing software to automate the process, you can maintain a balance between customer demand and your store’s capacity to fulfill orders.

This can help you avoid overstocking and save on storage and fulfillment costs by utilizing your own warehouse.

The Role of Reviews and Their Impact on SFP Performance

Reviews play a significant role in your SFP performance and maintaining your eligibility for the program. Positive reviews can bolster your reputation, increase your chances of attracting more customers, and contribute to your success in winning the Buy Box.

By focusing on providing exceptional customer service and encouraging satisfied customers to leave reviews, you can further enhance your SFP performance and secure your place in the competitive Amazon marketplace.

Feedvisor’s Ultimate Guide to SFP: A Brief Overview

Whether you’re new to the world of Amazon selling or a seasoned pro, having a resource like Feedvisor’s Ultimate Guide to SFP is essential. This comprehensive guide offers valuable information on:

  • Eligibility requirements

  • Onboarding processes

  • Performance optimization strategies

  • And more.

By leveraging the knowledge and expertise contained within this guide, you can make informed decisions about your Amazon selling strategy and determine whether SFP is the right fit for your business.


In conclusion, Seller Fulfilled Prime is a powerful tool that can help you grow your Amazon business and outpace your competition. By understanding the eligibility requirements, advantages, and strategies for success, you can make an informed decision about whether SFP is the right choice for your specific product offerings and business goals.

With the help of resources like Feedvisor’s Ultimate Guide to SFP, you can unlock the full potential of this program and achieve success in the ever-growing Amazon marketplace.

The Future of Amazon Selling: Is SFP Right for You?

As Amazon selling continues to evolve, it’s important to stay progressive and adapt your strategies to the shifting landscape. SFP offers a unique opportunity for sellers to access the lucrative Prime customer base, maintain control over their inventory and shipping processes, and compete in the Buy Box.

By carefully evaluating your business goals, customer base, and product offerings, you can determine whether SFP is the right choice for your Amazon selling strategy and set yourself up for success in the years to come.


In summary, Seller Fulfilled Prime is a valuable program for Amazon sellers looking to access the Prime customer base, maintain control over their inventory and shipping processes, and compete in the highly sought-after Buy Box. By understanding the eligibility requirements, advantages, and strategies for success, you can make an informed decision about whether SFP is the right choice for your specific product offerings and business goals. With resources like Feedvisor’s Ultimate Guide to SFP, you can unlock the full potential of this program and achieve success in the ever-growing Amazon marketplace.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does seller fulfilled prime mean?

Seller Fulfilled Prime is a program from Amazon which allows qualified sellers to get the Prime badge on their products and deliver directly to Prime subscribers using their own shipping operation. It also allows sellers to display Prime branding on their offers, committing to fulfill orders with one-day and two-day delivery at no additional charge for Prime customers.

Can I do prime as a FBM?

Based on the most common advice, it appears that you cannot do Prime as a FBM seller; only SFP sellers are Prime eligible and thus qualify for Amazon’s Prime Badge.

What carriers are supported by seller fulfilled prime?

Seller Fulfilled Prime sellers must use Amazon-approved carriers, including Amazon Shipping, Royal Mail, Yodel, Hermes, Parcelforce and UPS, to provide a high-quality customer experience.

How do I gain eligibility for the Seller Fulfilled Prime program?

To gain eligibility for Seller Fulfilled Prime, you must meet Amazon’s stringent criteria and performance metrics, such as a low order defect rate, high on-time delivery rate, and low late shipment rate.

What types of products are best suited for the SFP model?

Products such as bulky appliances, personalized items, and those with potential issues with FBA are well-suited for the SFP model.

What is a good alternative to SFP for managing Order Tracking & Returns?

WeSupply not only does it revolutionize returns in eCommerce by streamlining post-purchase processes and enhancing profitability, but its Order Tracking functionality also keeps customers informed at every step.

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