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    • Tracking & Notifications

      Boost customer experience and reduce support tickets

      Identify and Resolve Order Issues

      Realtime order and shipment tracking

      Delivery Notifications

      Proactive order and shipping notifications

      Increase Conversion Rate

      Predictive pre-purchase estimated delivery dates

      Branded Tracking

      Self-Serivce branded order tracking

      Reduce Operational Cost

      Effortless experience delivered

      Returns & Exchanges

      Make returns profitable and delight customers

      Flexible Return Policies

      Flexibility to define any return destinations & conditions

      Self-Service Returns

      Simplify returns for your customers and team


      Incentivize exchanges over returns

      Automate Returns Management

      Returns management made easy for your team

      Returns Analytics

      Understand why your customers are returning

      In-Store and Curbside Pickup

      Unify the online and the in-store experience

      Curbside Pickup Check-in

      Hassle-free pickup experience for customers

      Pickup order management

      In-Store Dashboard to keep operations streamlined

      Unified Commerce

      In-Store and Online orders unified

      Store Locator

      Drive foot-traffic to your stores

      Tracking & Notifications

      Boost customer experience and reduce support tickets

      Identify and Resolve Order Issues

      Realtime order and shipment tracking

      Delivery Notifications

      Proactive order and shipping notifications

      Increase Conversion Rate

      Predictive pre-purchase estimated delivery dates

      Branded Tracking

      Self-Serivce branded order tracking

      Reduce Operational Cost

      Effortless experience delivered

      Returns & Exchanges

      Make returns profitable and delight customers

      Flexible Return Policies

      Flexibility to define any return destinations & conditions

      Self-Service Returns

      Simplify returns for your customers and team


      Incentivize exchanges over returns

      Automate Returns Management

      Returns management made easy for your team

      Returns Analytics

      Understand why your customers are returning

      In-Store and Curbside Pickup

      Unify the online and the in-store experience

      Curbside Pickup Check-in

      Hassle-free pickup experience for customers

      Pickup order management

      In-Store Dashboard to keep operations streamlined

      Unified Commerce

      In-Store and Online orders unified

      Store Locator

      Drive foot-traffic to your stores

  • Integrations
  • Customers
    • Help Center

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      WeSupply FAQ

      Explore the most comon questions about WeSupply

      Post Purchase ROI Calculator

      Calculate the ROI that WeSupply can bring you

      FREE Website Review

      Request a no strings attached review of your current shopping experience and missed conversion opportunities

      How It Works

      Take a step by step trip through our functionality to see how we can improve your ecommerce processes.

      Blog & Guides

      Read actionable articles on how to optimize your post-purchase experience and decrease support tickets

      Case Studies

      Get inspired by stories of how our customers implemented an effortless post-purchase experience

      Behind The Brand

      A Deep Dive into Top Companies' Order Tracking & Returns Strategy

      Pre-built Return Policies

      Wondering if WeSupply is a good fit for you? Read through our use cases to see how we can help you increase conversion & improve CX!

  • Pricing

The Customer Support Funnel for your Magento Store

Featured Customer Support Funnel Images Funnel-09

You’ve worked hard to create a positive and memorable online shopping experience for your customers, and now you have the opportunity to deliver your products right into their hands! But what can you do when something unexpected happens during the shipping process?

What is Post Purchase Behavior?

Post purchase behavior

What is Post Purchase Behavior, & Why Should You Care? Are you leaving money on the table by ignoring the post purchase behavior of your customers? Read on to find out.   By now, it is clear that the idea that “the sale ends with the sale” is no longer relevant, considering the current business […]

What is WISMO (Where is my order) ?

man wondering what wismo is

What is WISMO 1. What is WISMO and why you should care 2. Why are there delays in shipping my order? 3. How to deal with shipping delays? 4. Implementing a tracking solution to decrease WISMO 5. Benefits of order tracking for WISMO Download Full Guide What is WISMO and why you should care The […]

Intelligent Dispositions for Ecommerce Returns

courier holding package

Intelligent Dispositions for Ecommerce Returns “As ecommerce captures a growing share of all retail sales, omni-channel brands that have high return rates and high return handling costs find themselves in the unenviable position of seeing their marginal economics deteriorate, what I refer to as the ‘omnichannel migration dilemma’ as their online business grows,” Steve Dennis […]

Post-Purchase Experience: 6 Ways to Earn Post-COVID Loyalty

man tasking covid mask off

Post-Purchase Experience: 6 Ways to Earn Post-COVID We discuss six ways you can use post-purchase techniques to delight new customers into becoming true brand enthusiasts. Learn what modern shoppers are looking for in a digital experience during the pandemic, and stay ahead of today’s rapidly changing retail landscape! Get a Free Demo You probably […]

Running to Adobe Summit with Brent Peterson from Wagento

bear crying on iceberg

Running to Adobe Summit with Brent Peterson from Wagento Did you know Wagento built the Selena Gomez website? Checkout what Brent has to say about their experience.   In this podcast, we look at what to expect in 2020, trends, events and the Mobile Optimization Initiative. Listen now! Get a Free Demo Get a free […]

Introduction to Post-Purchase Experience

man presenting post purchase features

Introduction to Post-Purchase Experience Date: Friday, October 25th, 2019 Time: 8:00am PST / 11:00am EST Get a Free Demo What: This is the first general interest webinar to introduce ecommerce brands to WeSupply Post-Purchase Experience Platform. You will learn how to identify gaps in your Post Purchase experience, strategies to bring customers back to your store, […]