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Is 'Wardrobing' Killing Your Profit?

combating wardrobing with WeSupply

Wardrobing, a deceptive return practice, is increasingly plaguing the retail industry as e-commerce continues to boom. This nefarious act not only harms businesses financially but also impacts customer experience and the environment. But who engages in wardrobing? How does social media play a part in it? And what can retailers do to combat this growing issue? In this blog post, we will delve into the complex world of wardrobing and explore the various factors that contribute to its rise, as well as the strategies businesses can employ to minimize its detrimental effects.

Key Takeaways

  • The e-commerce boom has led to a rise in return frauds, such as wardrobing, causing financial strain for retailers.

  • Financial constraints and societal pressures are key economic factors driving wardrobing fraud.

  • Retailers can reduce the occurrence of fraudulent returns by implementing enhanced return policies, advanced technologies and thorough inspection processes.

  • WeSupply streamlines returns management, providing solutions to thwart return abuse and address lost packages through real-time tracking. By empowering customers to initiate returns and utilizing a Return Policy Enforcer, the platform ensures efficiency and improved experiences, while maintaining control.

Introduction to Returns Fraud in Retail

Returns fraud, including practices like return fraud wardrobing, has emerged as a significant challenge for the retail industry, particularly with the rise of e-commerce. As retailers navigate the complexities of managing returns, understanding the various forms of return fraud is essential. This article delves into the financial impacts, types of returns, and strategies for combating return fraud, with a focus on wardrobing.

Understanding the E-Commerce Boom and Rise of Return Frauds

As the retail industry increasingly embraces digital commerce, deceptive return practices, such as wardrobing, have become more prevalent. According to the National Retail Federation, wardrobing is a form of return fraud wherein legitimate shoppers purchase wearable or usable items with the intent of returning them after use. This practice can lead to lost sales for retailers due to the costs associated with processing returns and the potential loss of inventory.

The subsequent sections offer insights into the relationship between the rise of digital commerce and deceptive return practices.

Unveiling the correlation between digital commerce growth and the rise in deceptive return practices.

The expansion of e-commerce has resulted in heightened vulnerability to returns fraud, such as wardrobing. Major retailers, including online retailers, are affected, as motivations for this practice may include social pressure to avoid repeating outfits and the wish to wear something new for special events.

To deter wardrobing without adversely affecting honest customers, businesses can implement physical solutions such as the 360 ID Tag, which allows customers to inspect and try on the item in the comfort of their own home while still preventing them from wearing it out and returning it for a full refund.

The Growing Issue of Wardrobing in Retail: A Deep Dive into Fashion Fraud Post-COVID

The push for a return to pre-pandemic activities has contributed to an increase in wardrobing fraud, a type of return fraud, with less than half of the returned items being suitable for resale. Financial strain can lead to customers exhibiting unethical behavior, a phenomenon commonly referred to as friendly fraud, causing merchants to lose revenue.

Wardrobing fraud is one form of fraud that is particularly impacting e-commerce retailers as customers seek to save money. The upcoming subsection delves into how pandemic-driven shopping habits have intensified wardrobing incidents within the retail sector.

Analyzing how pandemic shopping habits have exacerbated wardrobing incidents.

The pandemic has caused a surge in online shopping, resulting in a corresponding rise in wardrobing incidents. This is due to the ease of purchasing items with the intention of returning them later. Wardrobing can have a considerable financial effect on retailers, as they are required to bear the cost of processing and packaging returns, which could result in a decrease in profits and margins.

Moreover, wardrobing can result in an escalation of operational costs, as retailers must allocate additional resources to managing returns, leading to a decrease in efficiency and productivity. Finally, wardrobing can have a detrimental environmental effect, as retailers must discard returned items that cannot be put back on the shelves, resulting in an augmented amount of waste and pollution.

Beyond the Stereotype: Identifying the Perpetrators of Wardrobing Fraud

Identifying the perpetrators of wardrobing is a challenge, as there is no archetypal description of who is committing return fraud. A survey conducted by 360 ID Tag found that 63% of respondents are college graduates, 58% make over $50K / year, and 61% are qualified, technical, or managerial employees.

Up next, we’ll tackle misconceptions about the type of people who engage in wardrobing and their motivation behind this behavior.

Challenging preconceived notions about who engages in wardrobing and why

It is important to note that individuals from various backgrounds can be involved in wardrobing fraud. This includes dishonest consumers taking advantage of return policies, influencers striving for more engagement, and other unexpected people.

Therefore, it cannot be said that only criminals perpetrate wardrobing fraud. The motivations behind wardrobing perpetrators may differ depending on the individual. It is possible that dishonest consumers may be driven by financial gain, while influencers may be driven by the attention they receive from their followers.

The Role of Social Media in Wardrobing: Vanity Shopping and Consumer Behavior

Social media has a considerable influence on wardrobing, particularly through the popularization of posting daily outfits on social media, #OOTD. Influencers and those aspiring to become influencers are major contributors to the wardrobing trend, as they are under pressure to maintain their online image and appeal to their audience.

The subsequent subsection discusses the role of online trends and social platforms in promoting wardrobing.

Exploring how online trends and social platforms incentivize wardrobing.

The rise of social media platforms like Instagram, where influencers and individuals purchase clothing to display and then return them, is an online trend that encourages wardrobing. Additionally, the popularity of fashion apps that facilitate digital connection and sharing of users’ closets can also contribute to wardrobing.

Financial constraints and societal pressures, such as the desire to remain fashionable or fit in with peers, may also drive consumers to engage in what some may consider a victimless crime, contrasting with the actions of honest consumers.

Economic Factors Driving Wardrobing: The Psychology and Circumstances Behind Fraudulent Returns

Societal pressures and the fabrication of false realities through social media can lead to a range of pressures to keep up with fashion bloggers and an unwillingness to be seen in the same outfit twice. These pressures can play a significant role in driving wardrobing fraud, as individuals may feel compelled to purchase items they cannot afford or do not need.

Next, we will examine the role of financial constraints and societal pressures in encouraging wardrobing.

Delving into how financial constraints and societal pressures contribute to wardrobing.

Financial constraints and societal pressures can create an incentive for customers to purchase items beyond their means or that they don’t necessarily need, in order to remain fashionable or fit in with their peers. Experienced ‘wardrobers’ return approximately 20 items per year, which indicates the extent to which this unethical behavior has become prevalent.

It is essential for retailers to implement strategies to detect and prevent wardrobing in order to protect their businesses and customers alike.

Consequences of Wardrobing for Retailers: Financial, Operational, and Environmental Impacts

Wardrobing presents a multitude of challenges for retailers, including:

  • Financial losses due to decreased profits and revenue

  • Operational costs associated with processing returns and restocking items

  • Environmental impacts resulting from the disposal of unsellable returned items

The upcoming subsection explores the diverse and far-reaching repercussions businesses face due to wardrobing.

Discussing the extensive and multi-faceted repercussions wardrobing poses to businesses.

Wardrobing can lead to financial losses for retailers, as they must bear the cost of processing returns, restocking fees, return shipping fees, and markdowns or discounts on returned items. Additionally, wardrobing can result in an increase in workloads for employees, leading to decreased efficiency and productivity as well as increased labor costs.

Finally, wardrobing can have a detrimental environmental effect, as returned items may not be able to be resold or reused, leading to an increase in waste production and carbon emissions.

The Financial Impact of Returns Fraud

Return fraud, including return fraud wardrobing, is costing retailers billions annually. The National Retail Federation (NRF) reports that returns fraud cost retailers $101.91 billion, with predictions that up to 13% of all returns could be fraudulent. This financial strain is exacerbated by the increasing sophistication of fraudulent activities. Retailers not only lose revenue from the returned items but also incur additional costs associated with processing and restocking.

Strategies for Detecting and Preventing Wardrobing: From Enhanced Return Policies to Advanced Technologies

To combat wardrobing, retailers can implement a variety of strategies, including:

  • Enhanced return policies: These can make it more difficult for customers to return items, potentially deterring wardrobing.

  • Advanced technologies: AI-powered fraud detection systems can help to identify fraudulent returns.

  • Thorough inspection processes: Retailers can implement rigorous inspection processes to identify signs of wear or tampering.

By implementing these strategies, retailers can reduce the occurrence of wardrobing and protect their businesses.

Next, we detail proactive measures and policies that businesses can adopt to limit wardrobing.

Outlining proactive measures and policies businesses can adopt to curb wardrobing.

To detect and prevent wardrobing, businesses should focus on implementing enhanced return policies, utilizing advanced technologies like the 360 ID Tag, and conducting thorough inspection processes. Enhanced return policies can help to recognize suspicious returns, while advanced technologies can enable tracking and tracing of items, making it more difficult for customers to commit fraud.

Thorough inspection processes can help to identify fraudulent returns and ensure that only valid returns are accepted, ultimately reducing the financial and operational costs related to wardrobing.

Combatting Wardrobing: WeSupply's Advanced Strategies and Technologies for Reinforcing Return Policies

WeSupply presents an optimized approach to managing returns, curbing return misuse, and resolving issues of misplaced packages through instantaneous tracking. Our platform grants customers the autonomy to initiate returns, ensuring your continued supervision. Utilizing the Return Policy Enforcer, we conduct straightforward eligibility assessments, promoting a seamless return flow, improving genuine customer interactions, and reducing unjustifiable practices.

Through WeSupply’s sophisticated system, companies can fortify their initial response to return exploitation by customizing return policies. This process involves setting adaptable, intelligent return criteria based on specific product characteristics and implementing a hands-on confirmation method that demands photo proofs via our Return Policy Enforcer. This tactic refines the process for legitimate returns and substantially inhibits deceitful schemes, fostering an equitable and streamlined return atmosphere.

Additionally, WeSupply has pre-built return policies designed to help prevent return fraud:

1. Blocklist Fraudulent Customers: This policy allows businesses to blocklist specific email addresses or customer groups from returning products. By using blocklisting, businesses can prevent known fraudulent customers from making returns, thus safeguarding their interests and revenue.

2. Reduce Return Fraud for Serial Returners: This policy implements measures aimed at reducing return fraud, specifically targeting serial returners. By focusing on these individuals, businesses can protect their revenue and ensure a fair return process for all customers.

Thorough Inspection Processes: A Key in Wardrobing Prevention

Meticulous product examinations are paramount in detecting potential signs of wardrobing and preventing fraudulent returns from being overlooked. However, conducting meticulous product examinations can be challenging, as it requires a significant amount of time and resources, and there is potential for human error.

The next subsection highlights the importance of comprehensive inspection processes in preventing return fraud.

Emphasizing the importance of meticulous product examinations and the challenges they pose.

Meticulous product examinations are paramount for retailers to recognize fraudulent returns and safeguard their profits, ensuring they receive the full price for their returned merchandise. However, these procedures come with their own difficulties, including the resources and time needed to execute a comprehensive inspection, as well as the possibility of human error.

Employing advanced technologies, such as AI-powered fraud detection systems, can help to mitigate these challenges and ensure that only valid returns are accepted, thus reducing the financial and operational costs associated with wardrobing.

WeSupply’s return flow allows Return Admins to efficiently mark and provide feedback on the state of the returned item, ensuring the decision to approve or reject the request is made with all the possible required details.

Utilizing Anti-Wardrobing Technologies: Spotlight on 360 ID Tag and Other Innovations

The 360 ID Tag is an anti-wear and return solution that provides assurance to honest shoppers that the item has not been worn and returned, and it has been reported to reduce fraudulent returns, including wardrobing.

Policy enforcer

Book a quick call with our experts to see how WeSupply can help you automatically approve, reject, or flag returns and exchanges for manual review based on conditions you set.

In conjunction with this, WeSupply’s Return Policy Enforcer offers an intuitive solution. It provides a straightforward yes/no query mechanism to verify an item’s eligibility for returns. Moreover, the returns process enables you to require customers to upload an image of the item, verifying its state. This feature aids administrators in more effectively deciding whether to approve or deny the return. By integrating these systems, retailers can effectively deter fraudulent behavior, streamlining the return process for genuine customers and ensuring a fair and efficient experience for all.

The subsequent subsection assesses the efficacy of innovative solutions such as the 360 ID Tag in combating wardrobing.

Evaluating the effectiveness of modern solutions designed specifically to combat wardrobing.

Modern solutions designed to address wardrobing, such as the 360 ID Tag, can be effective in reducing fraudulent returns. However, they are not infallible, as certain customers may be able to circumvent return tags or discover methods to exploit the system. Despite these challenges, implementing modern solutions can significantly reduce the financial and operational costs associated with wardrobing, ultimately protecting businesses and customers alike.

Balancing Fraud Prevention with Customer Experience: Striking the Delicate Equilibrium

Implementing anti-fraud measures is crucial for retailers, but it is also essential to maintain trust and satisfaction among legitimate customers. Striking a delicate equilibrium between fraud prevention and customer experience is necessary to ensure that businesses can successfully combat wardrobing without alienating their customers.

Next, we’ll discuss strategies to preserve customer trust and satisfaction while enforcing strict anti-fraud measures.

Exploring strategies to maintain customer trust and satisfaction while implementing stringent anti-fraud measures.

To ensure customer trust and satisfaction while implementing anti-fraud measures, businesses should focus on:

  • Striking a balance between fraud prevention and customer experience

  • Communicating transparently

  • Providing personalized customer support

  • Striving for continuous improvement.

  • Utilizing a post-purchase experience optimization process with a key focus on streamlining the returns flow for the customer and retailer alike.

By adopting these strategies, retailers can effectively combat wardrobing while maintaining a positive relationship with their customers.

Future of E-Commerce: Navigating Ethical Consumer Practices Amidst the Battle Against Wardrobing

As the shift towards ethical consumerism continues to gain momentum, retailers must adapt their fraud prevention strategies to align with these changing consumer values. Anticipating future e-commerce fraud prevention trends is essential to ensure that businesses remain competitive and can successfully navigate the evolving landscape of ethical consumer practices.

The next subsection will ponder over the shift towards ethical consumerism and predict future trends in e-commerce fraud prevention.

Considering the shift towards ethical consumerism and anticipating future e-commerce fraud prevention trends.

In the future, e-commerce fraud prevention is likely to involve:

  • The utilization of artificial intelligence and machine learning to detect fraudulent activity

  • The implementation of biometrics to authenticate customers

  • The adoption of blockchain technology to secure transactions

  • The enforcement of more stringent return policies

  • The utilization of anti-wardrobing technologies to further safeguard businesses.

By staying ahead of these trends, retailers can effectively combat wardrobing and other forms of return fraud, while also embracing the growing movement towards ethical consumerism.


In conclusion, wardrobing is a growing issue in the retail industry, fueled by the rise of e-commerce and the influence of social media. Retailers must implement a combination of strategies, such as enhanced return policies, advanced technologies, and thorough inspection processes, to effectively combat wardrobing while maintaining customer trust and satisfaction. As the shift towards ethical consumerism continues, businesses must remain adaptable and anticipate future e-commerce fraud prevention trends to successfully navigate the evolving landscape of ethical consumer practices.

WeSupply offers an efficient solution for handling ‘wardrobing’ – the practice of purchasing items for temporary use with the intent to return. By streamlining returns management, WeSupply enhances control and oversight, reducing return abuses. Its Return Policy Enforcer ensures adherence to guidelines, while real-time tracking addresses lost packages. Furthermore, the platform empowers customers to initiate hassle-free returns, striking a balance between improved customer experiences and loss prevention.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is wardrobing a crime?

Wardrobing is not an illegal activity, though it usually goes against merchants’ return policies and is not supported by card networks or banks.

What is wardrobing retail?

Wardrobing is a form of fraud whereby shoppers buy wearable or usable items with the intention of returning them after use, such as a dress worn once and then returned or a book read before being returned.

How do I stop wardrobing?

To stop wardrobing, implement a 360 ID Tag to make it impossible for customers to wear and return the merchandise, thus reducing fraud.

Utilizing WeSupply’s Return Policy Enforcer. It provides a straightforward yes/no query mechanism to verify an item’s eligibility for returns. Integrating allows retailers to thwart fraudulent activities, ensuring a smooth return process for authentic customers and a just, efficient experience for everyone.

What is free wardrobing?

Free wardrobing is the practice of wearing an item of clothing and then returning it to receive a full refund, which causes losses for retailers.

How has the pandemic affected wardrobing?

The pandemic has resulted in a rise in online shopping and, consequently, an increase in wardrobing incidents due to the convenience of buying items with the intention of returning them.

Does WeSupply have an official Shopify App?

Yes, WeSupply does have an official Shopify App. You can download and begin to integrate it with your Shopify store.

Does WeSupply have an official Magento extension?

Yes, WeSupply has an official extension for Magento. The WeSupply x Magento integration allows for automating order tracking experiences, reducing customer inquiries, automating shipping email and SMS notifications, and providing a fully branded order tracking experience

Does WeSupply have an official BigCommerce App?

Yes, WeSupply has an official BigCommerce App. You can integrate WeSupply with your BigCommerce store to improve your post-purchase customer experience.

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