Retain over 40% of your returns as exchanges! -
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Return Policy: Allow returns on sale items during the holidays

Enhance holiday shopping experience by permitting returns of items bought on sale, boosting customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Use Case

  • Holiday Returns

Common Vertical

  • Fashion
  • Consumer Electronics
  • B2B

Encourage new customers by offering flexible returns for all items during this period.

Often we see extended return policies for orders starting Nov 1st to be returned until End of January.

Allow returns on sale items during the holidays

Overview - Maximizing Holiday Sales with Flexible Return Policies

  • Introduction: The holiday season is a critical time for e-commerce businesses, with sales skyrocketing as customers rush to buy gifts. However, the challenge arises when it comes to sale items and their return policies. Typically, sale items might be final sale and non-returnable, but during the holidays, you want to offer your customers the flexibility to return these items.
  • Challenges: You’re faced with the dilemma of how to allow returns on sale items during the holiday season without disrupting your standard return policies for the rest of the year.
  • Common Mistakes: A frequent error is deleting or overhauling your entire return logic to accommodate holiday returns, which can lead to confusion and more work post-holiday season.
  • Solution: Implement a temporary exception to your return policy that specifically applies to items purchased during the holiday sale period. This way, you maintain your standard policy while offering holiday shoppers the flexibility they need.
  • Importance (ROI): By allowing returns on sale items during the holidays, you encourage more sales, as customers feel secure knowing they can return items if needed. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, and ultimately, a higher return on investment. Not implementing this could result in lost sales and a negative impact on customer trust and satisfaction.

Setup in Backend - How We Achieve It?

  • Temporary Return Logic: Create a time-bound return logic that overrides the standard non-returnable status of sale items during the holiday event.

  • Clear Definitions: Work with the customer to define what constitutes a ‘sale’ item—be it category, price endings, attributes, or discount percentage.
  • Simple Implementation: Once the definition is clear, set up a single, straightforward logic that allows returns for items that fall within the holiday sale parameters.

The Customer Experience - What We Will Achieve

  • Holiday Shopping Confidence: Customers can shop sale items with the peace of mind that returns are possible if their purchases don’t work out.
  • Hassle-Free Returns: The temporary return policy ensures a smooth, no-fuss return process for holiday sale items.
  • Consistent Policy Understanding: Customers appreciate the clarity of return policies, which remain consistent outside of the holiday exception.


Q1: Will allowing returns on sale items during the holidays affect my standard return policy?

A1: No, the holiday return policy is a temporary exception and will not alter your standard return policy for the rest of the year.

Q2: How do I communicate this temporary return policy to my customers?

A2: Clearly state the holiday return policy on your website and through your marketing channels during the promotional period to ensure customers are informed.

Q3: Can the return policy exception be automated to only apply to items bought during the holiday sale?

A3: Yes, the return logic can be set to automatically apply to purchases made within the specific holiday sale timeframe.

Q4: What if a customer wants to return an item bought just before the holiday sale period?

A4: The standard return policy will apply to items bought before the holiday sale period unless you decide to make an exception at your discretion.

Q5: How will this temporary policy affect my return processing after the holidays?

A5: After the holiday sale period ends, your return process will revert to the standard policy, ensuring a seamless transition back to normal operations.

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