Retain over 40% of your returns as exchanges! -
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The Complete Guide to Sustainable Ecommerce Returns

MTV using WeSupply Green Returns

Sustainable ecommerce returns help reduce the environmental impact of online shopping. This guide will teach you how to cut waste and carbon emissions, while keeping customers happy. Learn top strategies to make your returns process greener and more efficient.

Key Takeaways

Understanding Sustainable eCommerce Returns

Sustainable eCommerce returns encompass not just minimizing environmental impact but also creating a more efficient and customer-friendly process. As online retailers, acknowledging the role of sustainability in our operations is vital. The rapid growth of eCommerce has raised concerns about environmental impacts, highlighting the need for sustainable practices.

An ecommerce store that embraces sustainable returns practices can:

  • Lessen their environmental footprint

  • Cater to the rising demand for eco-friendly choices among online shoppers

  • Build customer loyalty

  • Ensure long-term customer satisfaction and retention.

The Importance of Sustainability in eCommerce

The integration of sustainability into eCommerce operations holds importance for a multitude of reasons. First, it addresses the environmental impact of online shopping. Consumers are increasingly prioritizing eco-friendly packaging and sustainable goods to reduce waste. By 2025, retail eCommerce sales are projected to surpass $1.6 trillion, indicating the immense scale of potential environmental impact.

Moreover, sustainable practices build trust, especially among younger generations who will soon dominate purchasing power in the U.S.. Embracing sustainable practices allows eCommerce businesses to lower their environmental footprint while ensuring consumer convenience. This not only meets consumer demand but also provides a competitive advantage.

The Growing Need for Sustainable Practices in Returns

The necessity for sustainable practices in returns management is growing rapidly. Consumers demand transparent and sustainable practices in eCommerce, including packaging and carbon emissions. Implementing eco-friendly packaging solutions can help address these concerns.

Ignoring sustainability in returns can harm a retailer’s brand image and push customers away. Conversely, brands that fulfill their sustainability promises will outcompete those making superficial claims. Adopting sustainable returns practices enables businesses to diminish their environmental footprint and attract eco-conscious customers.

The Environmental Impact of eCommerce Returns

The environmental impact of eCommerce returns is significant. In 2022, eCommerce returns contributed up to 24 million metric tons of CO2 emissions. This is a staggering amount that highlights the need for sustainable returns practices.

Moreover, around 9.5 billion pounds of returned products were sent to landfills in 2022. Online shopping returns generate almost three times as many returns as in-store purchases, exacerbating the problem. To address these issues, we must understand the specific environmental impacts of returns, including their carbon footprint, waste generation, and energy consumption.

The Carbon Footprint of Returns

The carbon footprint of eCommerce returns is a major concern. Here are some key facts:

  • Returns can add up to 30% of the emissions from the initial delivery.

  • International shipping of return parcels significantly contributes to global carbon emissions.

  • International shipping accounts for 3% of the world’s total carbon emissions.

Returned clothing items in the US release as much emissions as 3 million cars annually. To reduce this carbon footprint, businesses can optimize logistics and minimize unnecessary shipments. Addressing these issues can result in a significant reduction in the environmental impact of returns.

Waste Generated by Returned Items

The waste generated by returned items is another pressing issue. Online shopping generates almost five times more packaging waste than shopping in physical stores. Moreover, 91% of all plastic packaging waste ends up in landfills or polluting the environment.

Returned products often require additional packaging, contributing to increased waste. In 2022, over 9.5 billion pounds of returned products were sent directly to landfills. To minimize this waste, businesses can implement strategies to resell, donate, or recycle returned items.

Energy Consumption in the Returns Process

The energy consumption involved in the returns process is considerable. Processing returns can take up to three times the initial delivery time, increasing energy consumption. Returned products often need to be cleaned, re-packaged, or repaired, which ramps up the energy required.

Using ground shipping instead of air shipping for returns can significantly reduce carbon emissions and energy consumption. Investing in sustainable infrastructure, such as using clean energy for return processing facilities, can also significantly lower energy consumption.

Strategies for Reducing Returns

Reducing returns is crucial for minimizing their environmental impact. One effective strategy is providing comprehensive product information to manage customer expectations better. Another approach is incentivizing customers to keep their purchases, which can reduce return rates.

Ensuring returned items are resold, donated, or recycled is also essential for reducing waste. Embracing these strategies can enable eCommerce businesses to lessen the environmental impact of returns and enhance customer satisfaction.

Providing Comprehensive Product Information

Accurate and detailed product information is key to reducing return rates. Including information like product weight, dimensions, and materials used on product pages helps in managing customer expectations. Augmented reality (AR) tools allow customers to visualize products, reducing returns by helping them confirm suitability before purchase.

Automating product information management can prevent errors that lead to returns. Providing comprehensive product information can significantly lower the probability of returns for eCommerce stores.

WeSupply’s Returns Analytics empowers businesses to enhance their product offerings by delivering detailed insights into return reasons at the SKU level. Key features include:

These features ensure that product offerings are continually refined to meet customer expectations and reduce return rates.

Returns Analytics for eCommerce Business

Book a quick call with our experts to see how WeSupply can help you: Understand why your customers are returning; Identify the most returned products; Understand why those products are returned;  Identify which customers are serial returners; Reduce Return Rate with Actionable Insights; Returns data available in BigQuery.

Incentivizing Customers to Keep Purchases

Incentivizing customers to keep their purchases can effectively reduce return rates. Offering discounts on future purchases or loyalty points can encourage customers to retain their items. Providing store credit for returns instead of cash refunds also reduces the incentive for fraudulent returns.

Referral programs and VIP programs can further motivate customers by offering higher status and increasing rewards. Implementing these incentives can enable eCommerce businesses to encourage repeat business and boost customer satisfaction.

WeSupply can significantly incentivize customers to keep their purchases by offering instant store credit, which encourages exchanges over refunds. This approach helps reduce the average eCommerce return rate, saves sales through exchanges, and boosts the average order value. Key features include:

These strategies not only minimize returns but also enhance customer satisfaction and drive higher sales.

Ensuring Returned Items are Resold, Donated, or Recycled

Managing returned items sustainably is essential for reducing waste. Implementing a closed-loop supply chain helps in recycling returned products, minimizing landfill waste. Partnering with third-party logistics providers can efficiently handle returns and ensure items are put back into inventory.

Offering in-store returns allows for immediate inspection and restocking, reducing the environmental impact. Adopting these strategies can enable retailers to guarantee that returned items are resold, donated, or recycled.

WeSupply ensures that returned items are efficiently resold, donated, or recycled through its intelligent dispositions and restocking capabilities during the returns process. By optimizing the handling of product returns, WeSupply helps businesses manage returns sustainably and effectively. Key features include:

These features reduce unnecessary transportation, lower associated emissions, and ensure that returned items are handled in an environmentally responsible manner.

Efficient Returns Management Systems

Efficient returns management systems are crucial for enhancing customer satisfaction and streamlining operations. Some ways to achieve this include:

  • Implementing automated systems and tools to reduce the time and effort required for returns processing

  • Leveraging technology to empower eCommerce businesses to lower return rates

  • Focusing on boosting customer satisfaction through efficient returns processes

  • Considering sustainability in returns management practices

By implementing these strategies, businesses can improve their returns management processes and ultimately enhance customer satisfaction.

These systems offer analytics to understand return trends and improve product quality and customer service.

Leveraging Technology for Sustainable Returns

Technology plays a vital role in creating sustainable returns management systems. Machine learning and AI can predict return reasons and suggest preventive actions. Virtual sizing technology allows shoppers to virtually ‘try on’ clothing, significantly reducing clothing return rates.

Returns management systems offer analytics to understand return trends and improve product quality and customer service. Embracing these technologies can enable eCommerce businesses to lessen their environmental footprint and improve customer satisfaction.

Returns Management Systems: Streamlining the Process

Streamlining the returns process is essential for efficiency and sustainability. Centralized returns management platforms can consolidate return requests and streamline processing. Automation in the returns process can reduce manual errors and speed up processing times.

Real-time tracking and automated updates can enhance transparency and efficiency in the returns process. Implementing a Returns Management System (RMS) can enable businesses to handle returns more efficiently and cut down associated costs.

Sustainable eCommerce Returns: Efficient Management Systems with WeSupply

WeSupply promotes sustainable eCommerce returns by providing efficient returns management systems that streamline the process and enhance customer satisfaction. Key features include:

  • Returns Tracking: Enable customers to track their returns easily and check statuses with just a few clicks.

These features collectively reduce the environmental impact of returns and foster customer loyalty. Book a demo today to see how WeSupply can revolutionize your returns management!

Evereve Case Study: Turning Returns Into Opportunities

In 2020, the shift to online shopping due to COVID-19 led to an 11% increase in e-commerce sales but also a spike in return rates, especially in the fashion industry where online return rates can reach up to 50%. Evereve faced significant challenges with manual return processes, lack of visibility, and overwhelmed customer service teams.

To tackle these issues, Evereve partnered with WeSupply, leveraging their Magento & Custom API integrations. This collaboration resulted in an automated returns process managed from a single interface, focusing on proactivity, self-service, and return flexibility.

Big Wins for Evereve:

  • Cost Savings: Reduced burden on customer service teams and fewer support tickets.

  • Faster, More Accurate Returns: Enhanced accountability and transparency across teams.

  • Streamlined Customer Experience: Improved order tracking, notifications, and in-store pick-up capabilities, ensuring customer satisfaction and guaranteed sales.

Evereve’s new self-service returns process enabled customers to handle returns independently, enhancing customer loyalty and operational efficiency.

WeSupply's Innovative Solutions for Sustainable eCommerce

WeSupply offers innovative solutions for sustainable eCommerce, promoting environmental responsibility through various initiatives. Their solutions include the Green Returns Initiative, Buy Online Return In Store feature, and automated return label generation, all designed to minimize the environmental impact of returns.

Adopting WeSupply’s solutions can enable eCommerce businesses to simplify their returns process, cut down on shipping emissions, and boost customer satisfaction. These initiatives not only contribute to a more sustainable future but also provide a competitive advantage in the eCommerce space.

Green Returns Initiative

WeSupply’s Green Returns Initiative promotes sustainable eCommerce returns by encouraging customers to keep low-cost items when requesting returns, reducing shipping and waste. The initiative also directs damaged products to recycling or repair facilities, further supporting environmental responsibility.

By allowing businesses to refund customers for unwanted items without returning them, the Green Returns Initiative significantly reduces transportation emissions. This approach not only minimizes the environmental footprint but also improves overall customer satisfaction.

Buy Online, Return In Store Feature

The Buy Online, Return In Store feature by WeSupply offers the following benefits for online purchases:

  • Decreases the need for shipping

  • Encourages more foot traffic in physical stores

  • Minimizes environmental impact by cutting down on packaging and shipping requirements for returns.

In-store returns offer several benefits for brick and mortar stores:

  • They help save on transportation costs

  • They drive more foot traffic to brick-and-mortar locations, potentially increasing in-store sales

  • By providing an easy return option for customers, this feature can reduce cart abandonment rates

  • They enhance the overall customer experience.

Automated Return Label Generation

WeSupply’s automated return label generation offers the following benefits:

  • Streamlines the return process

  • Reduces paper waste through printerless QR code returns

  • Helps detect the originating warehouse and generates appropriate return labels

  • Enhances efficiency

Create custom return policies

There are many moving pieces in ecommerce logistics. Book a quick call with our experts to see how WeSupply can help you take control by creating custom policies to handle them all easily. You get to decide how you want to handle final sale items, return window lengths, return request approvals, and more.

Intelligent Dispositions

WeSupply’s Intelligent Dispositions optimize the handling of product returns by dynamically routing items to the nearest suitable locations, such as warehouses, recycling centers, donation facilities, or outlet stores, based on predefined rules. This system reduces unnecessary transportation and associated emissions, ensuring that returned items are handled in an environmentally responsible manner.

Protecting your Bottom Line

In today’s competitive market, businesses are constantly seeking ways to protect their bottom line while also building trust with their customers. WeSupply offers a robust solution that not only enhances operational efficiency but also contributes to sustainability. Here’s how:

  • Streamlined Operations: Automates processes, reducing errors and labor costs.

  • Inventory Management: Maintains optimal stock levels to minimize holding costs.

  • Returns Management: Simplifies returns, reducing complexity and cost.

Building Customer Trust

  • Transparency: Real-time updates and notifications.

  • Consistency: Uniform experience across all touchpoints.

  • Personalization: Tailored experiences based on customer preferences.


  • Reduced Carbon Footprint: Optimized logistics and consolidated shipping.

  • Waste Reduction: Efficient inventory and returns management.

  • Sustainable Choices: Insights into environmental impact.

Discover how WeSupply can revolutionize your business and begin your path to increased efficiency and trust. Try the ROI Calculator to see your potential savings.

Effective Communication of Sustainability Efforts to Consumers

Effective communication of sustainability efforts to consumers is essential for building trust and enhancing customer loyalty. Transparent communication about sustainability initiatives can significantly increase customer confidence and satisfaction.

Crafting clear and transparent return policies, coupled with marketing initiatives and social media engagement, can help businesses promote their sustainability efforts and foster eco-conscious behaviors among customers. This not only helps in building a loyal customer base but also contributes to a more sustainable future.

Crafting Clear and Transparent Return Policies

Clear and transparent return policies are crucial for promoting sustainability efforts. User-friendly online return portals simplify the process for customers and align with sustainable practices. Offering incentives for eco-conscious choices during the return process can also promote sustainable behaviors.

Implementing clear return policies can increase customer trust and satisfaction in sustainability efforts. Including information on refund methods and timelines in the return policy can help manage customer expectations and enhance the overall customer experience.

Implementing clear return policies can increase customer trust and satisfaction in sustainability efforts. Including information on refund methods and timelines in the return policy can help manage customer expectations and enhance the overall customer experience.

WeSupply can help businesses craft clear and transparent return policies that are both flexible and customer-friendly. By leveraging WeSupply’s advanced features, companies can create smart return rules that match all item attributes and set conditions like free return shipping with fully customizable return logics. Key features include:

  • Set Conditions: Offer free return shipping and other customizable options.

These features ensure a hassle-free return policy that enhances customer satisfaction and streamlines the returns process.

Marketing Initiatives and Social Media Engagement

Marketing initiatives and social media engagement play a vital role in communicating sustainability efforts to consumers. Social media platforms provide an interactive platform to engage customers and promote sustainability initiatives. Tailoring sustainability messages to each communication channel enhances the impact of marketing initiatives.

Regularly gathering and responding to customer feedback regarding sustainability initiatives helps businesses understand customer needs and preferences. By leveraging these strategies, eCommerce businesses can effectively communicate their sustainability efforts and build a loyal customer base.

Setting and Achieving Measurable Sustainability Goals

Setting and achieving measurable sustainability goals is essential for tracking progress and making continuous improvements. Sustainability involves balancing present needs without compromising future generations’ ability to meet their needs. Adopting sustainable practices can cut costs, build customer trust, and set your brand apart from competitors.

Using SMART goals and frequently reviewing returns data can ensure the clarity, achievability, and effectiveness of businesses’ sustainability initiatives. This not only helps in reducing the environmental footprint but also enhances the overall sustainability of eCommerce operations.

Using SMART Goals for Sustainability

SMART goals in sustainability ensure objectives are:

  • Specific

  • Measurable

  • Achievable

  • Relevant

  • Time-bound

Setting SMART goals helps businesses track progress and make necessary adjustments to meet their environmental objectives.

By aligning sustainability initiatives with broader business strategies, ecommerce business owners can ensure their goals are realistic and resource-efficient. This approach enhances the likelihood of successful implementation and contributes to a more sustainable future.

Regularly Reviewing Returns Data

Regularly reviewing returns data is crucial for identifying patterns and implementing strategies to reduce returns. Analyzing returns data enables companies to pinpoint issues like product defects or misleading descriptions.

Frequent analysis of returns data can help businesses optimize their inventory management and reduce costs associated with overstocking returned items. By consistently monitoring returns data, businesses can make informed decisions to improve their returns process and enhance customer satisfaction.

WeSupply’s Returns Analytics empowers eCommerce businesses to regularly review and understand returns data, providing actionable insights to improve operations and customer satisfaction. By leveraging WeSupply’s advanced analytics, companies can:

The amalgamation of multiple strategies proves pivotal in maximizing profit margin improvement and securing long-term success within the eCommerce industry. Some key strategies to consider include:

  • Reducing customer acquisition costs by improving post-purchase nurturing

  • Leveraging micro-influencers from loyal customers to boost profit margins

  • Optimizing supply chain processes, such as auditing waste and miscommunication, to enhance eCommerce profitability.

Implementing prepaid shipping and buying packaging materials in bulk are effective ways to reduce shipping costs and improve profitability. Featuring bestsellers prominently and leveraging social proof can increase sales of high-margin products. Creating a compelling loyalty program with tiered rewards based on customer spend can drive incremental revenue growth. Developing a robust cart abandonment strategy can recover lost potential sales, and enhancing customer support consistency can prevent customers from abandoning the purchase process.

By integrating these strategies, eCommerce businesses can achieve higher profit margins and ensure sustainable growth.


WeSupply offers a comprehensive guide to sustainable eCommerce returns, helping businesses refine product offerings, incentivize purchases, and manage returns efficiently. Through Returns Analytics, businesses can identify and address return reasons at the SKU level, adjust sizing charts, update product images, and gather customer feedback. WeSupply incentivizes customers to keep their purchases by offering instant store credit, promoting exchanges, and redirecting customers back to the product catalog. Intelligent dispositions and restocking capabilities ensure that returned items are resold, donated, or recycled sustainably. Additional features include a branded returns portal, self-service returns process, flexible returns rules, autogenerated QR code return labels, returns tracking, post-purchase notifications, and the Green Returns Initiative. Get started with WeSupply today to transform your returns management!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are sustainable eCommerce returns important?

Sustainable eCommerce returns are important because they reduce environmental impact and enhance customer satisfaction by minimizing waste and promoting eco-friendly practices. This helps lower carbon emissions and create a positive shopping experience for customers.

What is WeSupply's Green Returns Initiative?

WeSupply’s Green Returns Initiative encourages customers to keep low-cost items, reducing shipping and waste, promoting sustainable returns.

What are the benefits of WeSupply's automated return label generation?

Automated return label generation streamlines the return process, reduces paper waste with QR code returns, and enhances efficiency by generating appropriate return labels.

How does WeSupply handle intelligent dispositions?

Intelligent dispositions dynamically route returned items to warehouses, recycling centers, donation facilities, or outlet stores, reducing transportation and emissions.

Does WeSupply have an Official Shopify App?

Yes. WeSupply has an Official Shopify App. You can download it and start integrating with your Shopify Store.

Does WeSupply have an official Magento extension?

Yes, WeSupply has an official extension for Magento. The WeSupply x Magento integration allows for automating order tracking experiences, reducing customer inquiries, automating shipping email and SMS notifications, and providing a fully branded order tracking experience

Does WeSupply have an official BigCommerce App?

Yes, WeSupply has an official BigCommerce App. You can integrate WeSupply with your BigCommerce store to improve your post-purchase customer experience.

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WeSupply Post Purchase Emails

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